Well, Ensign seems to be good at handling pussies. (sorry)

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As tempting as it is to post something like, "Oh poor trig. That poor sweet gentle child. I can't stand the way his mother pimps him out like he was some kind of key to success. Many people with Down's Syndrome do live happy and productive lives, but it's still a disability...a disability compounded by a fame grabbing quitter mother. It just makes you cry. Happy birthday, Trig. You're a special little boy. We all love you. I'm praying your mother doesn't make your life too miserable."

...but I don't want any more Briefarts "following me".

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In America, sex is an obsession, in other parts of the world it's a fact. Marlene Dietrich

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who thinks it's a good idea to put a veterinarian in congress? i mean i love my vet, but still, i wouldn't vote for her.

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i just keep cursoring over the google earth day doodle.

over and over and over.

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I'm sure he'll be pulling in significantly more as a lobbyist than a senator, and that $100K wasn't his. So he actually ended up getting quite a bargain.

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shit happens.

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Maybe his parents are paying for an early retirement.

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I hear he is being replaced with a dildo. Both in the senate and at home.

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I'm really hoping someone on Fox News rushes to this guy's defense but I don't think any one is going to.

Who am I kidding....they'll probably just put a "D" after his name and condemn him even harder.

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It's like he was an artist and asshat was his medium.

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He'll be running for president in a few years because those who learn from Gingrich's history are doomed to repeat it.

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