That I can see.

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Impeachment of a SCOTUS judge is a thing that exists.

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I want her to get his seat, it would be karmic. And I want Ben tossed out in disgrace and his wife charged for her part in the insurrection, she paid for many busses and wished her "patriots" well.

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I have been thinking about your gracious reply, and I must confess, I remembered it, but looked it up to be sure, it actually happened. It is so easy to miss things that get buried quickly in the news cycle as this story did.

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Can we impeach Kegs? Seriously his approval was totally fraudulent, doesn't that count for something?

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maybe when whenever we have a presidential election we should also elect an attorney general. that way the president or the congress has no power over our justice system. (although, as usual democrats will vote for president and leave everything else blank and we'll end up with some dick who spends 4 years investigating hunterghazigate)

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How to Impeach a SCOTUS justice: https://www.cnn.com/2019/09...

Brennan Center TL;DR: "With respect to federal judges, under Article I of the United States Constitution, the House of Representatives has the power to impeach, and the Senate the power to hold a trial to determine whether removal is appropriate. The House can impeach a judge with a simple majority vote. However, a judge may only be removed from office following a trial and a vote to convict by a two-thirds majority of the Senate."

"Hello, Nancy? It's me, the American republic..."

Impeachment and removal is in order, but if all we can get is impeachment, so be it.

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Well, Clarence Thomas apparently suffered from the "lynching" he received in his hearings. Supposedly, he suffered even more once it came out that the Rs made all kinds of shit up about the only accuser allowed to testify in the hearing, Anita Hill. Yes, she was totally exonerated from "a little bit slutty, a little bit nutty," well after the confirmation of Thomas. Brandeis gave her a job. Biden never apologized to Hill. She's still waiting for one. (The only apology that I personally would appreciate is if he nominated Hill to the bench, but hell will probably freeze over first.) So, the world now knows that Thomas was a sexual harasser, even if he is on the bench.

I think many of us remember Ginnie Thomas, wife of, drunk dialing Anita Hill some years back, bitching her out about the damage he sustained to his reputation, the pain he feels, and how terrible it is that Anita Hill did this to her husband. Hill reported the call to the FBI. The press heard about it and no more harassment occurred, at least by phone.

May Ginnie Thomas have to answer for her financial and other support of the 1/6/21 seditionist attack.

Perhaps Boof Kegstand will come to understand that having a seat on the SCOTUS bench is not the same as wanting it. Maybe he will have to live with the consequences of his many bad decisions and actions, one way or another. As unlikely as an impeachment of a SCOTUS judge may be, there is more than one way to arrive at...punishment. Maybe he won't be impeached, maybe he'll experience wet brain dementia from all the alcohol. Maybe he'll become so erratic that he'll be forced to step down, lest the Chief make good on releasing the documents and other materials locked up somewhere away from DC (was it in Colorado?) that could condemn Kavanaugh and get him impeached.

I do not know whether anything that happens will undo the damage Kegstand will do in the meantime. Sheldon Whitehouse is going to keep worrying this bone, but it might make him a target of the RWNJs and the RNC. I'm more worried about Whitehouse.

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I agree. I'd like to see an impeachment go on boof's permanent record.

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As a sentient English-language-speaking human being who watched Ms. Blasey Ford's testimony, I could have reached one of two conclusions. Either 1) She was assaulted by "Justice" Kegstand, or 2) She is the next Meryl Streep. I went w/Option 1.

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Kate McKinnon's Graham impression was a highlight of the SNL open about Kavanagh (played by Matt Damon). I had to rewatch it when this came back up in the news.

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Take care of yourself <3

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And they probably think women are too emotional to lead.

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Speaking of covering up rape and sexual misconduct, anyone who isn't listening to Ronan Farrow's Catch and Kill podcast needs to start immediately.

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There is nothing to prevent him from being imprisoned for perjury.

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The retort to Graham is priceless:

“I don’t remember askin’ you a goddamned thing!”

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