The Partridge Family were not birds or related.

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That sounds like an excellent idea... and when I do write my first book, that will likely be the title. I know I'll enjoy the research! I like the cut of your jib.

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Extensive research will be crucial. Take your time, do it right!!

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Emphasis on A.

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I remember when it was called Northwest Orient Airlines. I even remember the little jingle they had.

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Is it "death metal" or is it the "death ot metal"?

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Except for the dubbed in sound of a hawk thing, yeah.

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We know, yet all Rolling Stone can do is bullhorn "Eagles of Death Metal" in its coverage of the Paris attacks:

Rolling Stone: "Eagles of Death Metal Merch Manager Nick Alexander Killed in Paris Attack"http://www.rollingstone.com...

It IS tragically ironic in more ways than one. Band billed as "Death Metal,", not actually a death metal band, and the failure to note sad irony of actual death at fake death metal concert. That being said, Steven Anderson's religion is no different than that of your average Libertarian teabagger. Remember though, "both sides," right? I have every confidence that these people will be sitting in the White House come 2016, they will control Congress, and they will win even more state legislatures... thanks to the political reindeer games of so-called "progressives" who have yet to figure out that Steven Anderson is what the Libertarian Party is and has always been:) Brief History 101: http://thepoliticalspectato...

There is so much sad irony wrapped up in this I don't even know where to begin: Steven Anderson and Ron Paul might as well be the same guy, but nobody wants to cop to it: http://www.politicalresearc...

I wonder why? http://www.yaliberty.org/po...

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Yeah, where would anyone get that idea?

Rolling Stone: "Eagles of Death Metal Merch Manager Nick Alexander Killed in Paris Attack"http://www.rollingstone.com...

We can't see ourselves in the mirror, can we?

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Yes, the man is very much into pondering "The Jewish Question": https://www.youtube.com/emb...

Not unlike Ron Paul (but we were told he was "to the left of Obama"): http://newsone.com/1754815/...

And yet very few people will admit the truth about our so-called "progressive" spokesmodels: http://www.yaliberty.org/po...

Or "our" Libertarian cohorts: http://thepoliticalspectato...

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Shame that so many innocent people were murdered. Shame that it might have been prevented. Shame that these asshats bear much responsibility for it:

Electronic Frontier Foundation: "France's Government Aims to Give Itself—and the NSA—Carte Blanche to Spy on the World"https://www.eff.org/deeplin...

I hope so.

Shame that nobody paid attention when their true colors came shining through:

Electronic Fronteir Foundation: "Tea Party, Taxes and Why the Original Patriots Would’ve Revolted Against the Surveillance State": https://www.eff.org/deeplin...

Shame that these same asshats are playing us and we're letting them: Anti-immigrant protests "Pegida and the "Peace" Demonstrations: Anti-Americanism and Anti-Semitism"

"Each week the Monday "Pegida protests" seem to get uglier and uglier, as the crowds grow - at least in Dresden. Pegida is a new development, but the targets of the protestors' hate remain the same - uniting both Left and Right: America and the Jews. America, according to the demonstrators, is behind all the evil in the world: Crimea, ISIS, NSA, McDonald's, Auschwitz, etc. Those who fail to acknowledge this simple truth are demonized as "Trans-Atlantiker" (code for CIA - stooges)..."http://www.dialoginternatio...

Shame that Europe's anti-immigant movement gained this much traction: "PEGIDA, neo-Nazis, and organized rage"http://www.dw.com/en/pegida...

Shame how every terrorist attack strengthens the far right in Europe:

"French anti-Islamists, inspired by the huge turn-outs at the xenophobic “Pegida” demos in Germany, have organised a protest for Paris later this month. While the organiser tells The Local “it’s just a first step”, experts say it could never take off in France."http://www.thelocal.fr/2015...

It's all such a damn shame. It's a shame that "we" are complicit.

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Nothing wrong with being twisted! :D

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Actually they were on top of this from the first minutes, It's how I learned of it not half an hour in, before even the BBC. As I know some in the band, Rolling Stone's article started a flurry of contacts while the situation was unfolding. I am one who would agree the in general they are not the publication they once were, but on this one, they were one of the first to alter folks it was happening, and I tip my hat in thanks for alerting me.

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Hell, imagine the carnage at a Rolling Stones concert

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Based on the 2 paragraphs I managed of his blog, this guy is not sane. I think you should go back to the ignorage rule.

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Here is my dog, Murphy.


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