Meanwhile, in nearby Dr. Pepper County...

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It's best to use your kerosene heater in an enclosed, unventilated space. Right next to the hibachi you use in the kitchen works well.

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"Well, you see, Mr. Supervisor, experts had indicated that the best area to sample was the atmosphere between Sacramento and Cancun, and... what's that? Which experts? No, not any of the ones who testified here, but they're just as credible. Well, I have their word on that. Yes, I thought you'd agree. Anywho, they also advised me that the two week delay between sampling sessions was <i>absolutely</i> necessary, and that's why I wasn't back until this morning. Why thank you, Madame Supervisor! You also have a lovely tan!"

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I think your attitude is pretty airogant.

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<i>The airline wants to charge me $50 for my luggage yet will load hundreds of pound of chemicals somewhere on the plane?</i>

Well duh, they can't afford to just <i>give</i> valuable payload capacity away! Not when they have to carry all those chemicals!

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According to the Wretched-Flashlight article, there were four hours of public comment, and the accompanying photos suggest there must have been well over a hundred folks in the audience. Sometimes in small-county (Shasta has fewer than 200K population) government, it's best to just let the true believers air their brains out a bit.

When Resource Management Director Rick Simon comes back to tell them (1) the existing equipment can't do what they asked and (2) it would cost a metric shitload of money to address the matter, they will say "Thank you".

I have friends in Redding. I'll have to ask them about this.

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That's only been proven effective for former abductees. Narrows the market somewhat.

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Completely unimportant, often nonunion airport ground crewmen are "disappeared" on a regular basis to protect the conspiracy. It's a well-known phenomenon among no one.

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THIS ARTICLE IS TOTAL BULLSHIT.....SHASTA COUNTY IS ON THE CUTTING EDGE OF taking some action on a real problem....who ever wrote this article is just showing their ignoance.

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Those vintage 1976 C-model F15s are fully capable of shooting down any Soviet Bear bombers that come over the pole. They're all-weather, and not nearly as old as the pilots who fly them.

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see, now you are getting the hang of it. now go out and bug your local government officials to start their own investigation!

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kittehs too

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<a href="" target="_blank">Dihydrogen monoxide!</a>

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Actual pollutants from actual factories and plants: "Free markets! No problem!" Imaginary poisons from imaginary spooks: >Runs screaming into the night.<

Actually, I'm not sure the teabagger contingent is all that congruent with the conspiracy loon contingent. The left does have its share of crazies, much as we try to keep 'em out of sight.

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The contributions should be plenty long, and bring plenty of crazy. The only goofballs who carry on at greater length than conspiracy nuts are the libertardians ... but the latter fall far short on the entertainment scale.

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