
This means I now have to attempt to try to think up and compose an original, cogent and thoughtful comment and go to all the time and trouble of typing and posting it rather than lazily copying and pasting a .jpg a friend has posted on my Facebook page as I used to do in the past.

Fuck you Disqus. I want my image posting button back!!

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That also made them the correct whales

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Can't really speak to that. Could be. I've long thought that this non-profit org would/should be the model for single-payer. I'm just a contractor right now but I've opted for their healthcare every time I've had the option. Like most people, I've had to hop around Ins providers over the years, but every time I go back to them, they still have all my records and I can just pick a doc and go. In that sense, providing vets with care kind of makes sense, but not at the expense of the actual VA. Sure, as backup and specialty providers, which is already happening in CA and CO. But I also know people who wouldn't have it if it was the last thing on earth, so...

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2020. I can see it clearly already. Warren for President!!

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Utopian Somalia of America? USA!! USA!!

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That is not a downside. I like the idea of them running into door jambs and tripping over furniture.

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Disqus bug. They say there's an option the site owners need to set but I trust that they know what they're doing, so bug.

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Might have a problem freeing McVeigh. You would first need to dig up the corpse.

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"The Jews are ATTACKING US! We are simply defending ourselves! The Poles, too!" --Donald Trump, 1938

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Well, they're TRYING to win again. Have a feeling it's going to end exactly the same way.

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And ps, did you guys ever get to the end of the "Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" because it doesn't actually end well?

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Because Bernie is a tool's tool?

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I guess it's not "mongeese"?

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That warthog has a look of pure contentment.

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He's a furry little old curmudgeon but he's still a loud mouthed Socialist at heart. More Democrats in Congress should speak up the way he does.

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That is certainly true. But if he hadn't "spoken up" against Hillary so long and so fervently, we might not be here.....

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