Ya know, you can always tell by his style when Evan is pissed off. And he's pissed off about this bitch.

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But it sure am dum.

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*does the Macarena transgenderly*

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I usually don't watch the videos, but I watched this one and you REALLY can see where she had her "oh fuck" moment. The pause is so long you could get at least two nails painted at the salon she wanted us to keep open during it, and her face just goes completely blank, like "How do I get myself out of this now?"GOOD. Your "opponent" should kick your ass all over the country, you bigoted, ignorant fuckwit.

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Fun new way of destroying public schools, perhaps?

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As a childless person, I'm happy to fund schools with my taxes, but I don't think property taxes are how it should be done. You've got a built-in system for having the schools in wealthy areas be better funded than the rest that way, creating yet another barrier for kids from poorer families.

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"China is our enemy, and we should treat them as such."

The corporate world is outraged by her statements. They routinely bow to China, apologize to China and fellate China so they can have access to those billion consumers. Disney, the NBA and many others go out of their way to not antagonize the Chinese, even going so far as to publicly apologize for some perceived slight. Are we going to punish those corporations for "consorting with the enemy"? No, of course not, because money is all that matters.

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Texas has no state income tax, so yes, property taxes and sales taxes pay for most everything.

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Honey you have a choice about what schools to attend. Tax payers have a choice to not want to pay for your personal preferences.

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See?! SEE?!

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Certainly a lot of "equity" considerations. A blend of revenue sources would probably be most advantageous. Consider, also too, that there is a direct correlation between the success of a school district and property values. If the school district quality is contributing to rising values, one could argue for sharing the wealth with the district. Of course, there's cash-flow and renter considerations that impact that analysis.

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And oil and gas royalties. Which are paid for by everyone in the country that uses oil and gas in the form of higher prices. Unfortunately the pool of oil underneath Texas is shrinking and with it the cash flow. Meaning property and sales taxes will become even more important.

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"I couldn't have kids laugh at them" is an interesting phrasing. It could be read as "let them" or as "make them."

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Gay and transgender are not the same thing at all.

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Hmmm ... this one is too stupid to even have the crazy eyes.

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