Mike Lacey and Jim Larkin are pretty famous for being dicks* and buying all the newspapers and then all the people who made the newspapers run out the door screaming.
I am of the opinion that if a state has a half a brain, they would legislate that the chief law enforcement office of the jurisdiction is hired and fired by the governing body. Maricopa County AZ and Smith County TX are two shiny examples of locals where the voters are so lazy or stupid that the governing body is the sharpest tack in the shed. At least in Texas the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Standards has the authority to remove a sheriff or police chief from their post. I've only seen it once but it has happened.
I must admit that, when I was a ten-year-old living in Tempe, I proxied all my future votes in local elections through the end of the 39th century to Sheriff Joe. Due to a loophole in the agreement (what can I say? I was dazzled by the promised 1-year supply of free Pop Rocks) he can exercise those votes in blocks of 100 at a time. I know for a fact that everyone in the 4th grade class at my school signed similar agreements, so that's 10,000 votes for Ol' un-Handsome Joe in each election right there.
Extend that through-out Maricopa, and there you have your answer: Joey the Pie (the use his 'Jersey name) elected in perpetuity by Wonka-besotted grade schoolers.
Are you <em>sure</em> Larry Klayman wasn&#039;t there, cheering them on and hoping for a summary extrajudicial execution, claiming that by himself he counts as a citizens grand jury and court competent to authorize such a thing?
Too bad it won&#039;t come out of his pocket, it&#039;s the taxpayers who fork out the money. While the drooling idiots who voted for him deserve it, millions more don&#039;t.
BTW, this puts his tab up to roughly 65-70 million- just in lost lawsuits.
but he saved taxpayers $100,000 by eliminating the green bologna and switching to two meals a day of soy gruel with brown carrots, so that nearly makes up for all those millions in lawsuits, right?
I used to play at the Spirit Room back in the day- fun place. But no way I&#039;d bike that hill...
you should do your drinking up the hill in Jerome- that&#039;s where all the cool kids hang out
as far as maniacal dictators and overbearing tyrants go, those two have been a bit of a disappointment
I am of the opinion that if a state has a half a brain, they would legislate that the chief law enforcement office of the jurisdiction is hired and fired by the governing body. Maricopa County AZ and Smith County TX are two shiny examples of locals where the voters are so lazy or stupid that the governing body is the sharpest tack in the shed. At least in Texas the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Standards has the authority to remove a sheriff or police chief from their post. I&#039;ve only seen it once but it has happened.
If Jebus had only been packing...
<i>As long as it&#039;s not topless, I&#039;ll consider all offers.</i>
Don&#039;t say I didn&#039;t try to help you out, Trix.
Good title for a song!
Now let&#039;s see... jump blues in A, or alt country in C... ?
I must admit that, when I was a ten-year-old living in Tempe, I proxied all my future votes in local elections through the end of the 39th century to Sheriff Joe. Due to a loophole in the agreement (what can I say? I was dazzled by the promised 1-year supply of free Pop Rocks) he can exercise those votes in blocks of 100 at a time. I know for a fact that everyone in the 4th grade class at my school signed similar agreements, so that&#039;s 10,000 votes for Ol&#039; un-Handsome Joe in each election right there.
Extend that through-out Maricopa, and there you have your answer: Joey the Pie (the use his &#039;Jersey name) elected in perpetuity by Wonka-besotted grade schoolers.
Sorry about that.
I nominate John Goodman to play to role in the bio-pic.
Working title: &quot;A Man for All Sleezin&#039;s&quot;
Are you <em>sure</em> Larry Klayman wasn&#039;t there, cheering them on and hoping for a summary extrajudicial execution, claiming that by himself he counts as a citizens grand jury and court competent to authorize such a thing?
You know, unlike certain other things people freaked out about this week...this actually is a First Amendment issue.
Too bad it won&#039;t come out of his pocket, it&#039;s the taxpayers who fork out the money. While the drooling idiots who voted for him deserve it, millions more don&#039;t.
BTW, this puts his tab up to roughly 65-70 million- just in lost lawsuits.
Maybe the only worthwhile place in Arizona is Sedona and it&#039;s filled with new age freaks.
but he saved taxpayers $100,000 by eliminating the green bologna and switching to two meals a day of soy gruel with brown carrots, so that nearly makes up for all those millions in lawsuits, right?
It&#039;s a combination of self righteous assholes, xenophobic morons and scared to death retirees that keep putting him back in office
It was in the low 80&#039;s here this week- EAT YOUR HEART OUT