Luckily MVP and Doug are now holed up at the mansion on the grounds of the Naval Observatory on Massachusetts Ave in DC. Nice digs and free to her. The biggest danger might be the deer eating her vegetables out of the garden.

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So you are bitching to be bitching. Perhaps you could focus on Doug Ford, as someone more germane to your life.

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You deal with your country, we'll deal with ours.

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How very patronizing of you.

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I guess the Democratic party doesn't goose their members book sales buy buying them up to give away at party events like SOME parties do..

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Who is John, and how exactly did he get hold of a vat of embryonic fluid. I assume we change the DNA by giving the embryo a 5G injection.

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I think she is taking style tips from Suckabee, Looks like a bath mat, and if she thinks those diagonal lines make her look thinner, she has them backwards

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Publishers do a lot of creative bookkeeping. Also, too, if he got an advance, that would eat up royalties until the advance is paid back.

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Yeah. Went on our honeymoon to 'Oleans, where the report said 78 degrees. We desrt rats said "perfect."

And the humidity rolled up on us.

"Jazus what is this new devilry?"

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It’s really a stretch to ask for bipartisan support on requiring this by law of elected officials. 💀 🍳

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Jen must have written that!

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Wait a second. AND they're under audit? Can they DO that?

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For he is like unto the lilies in the field: he neither toils nor sows.

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Michael Beschloss' great grandkids, maybe.

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"Joe Biden remains millionaire, he and Jill paid 26 percent in taxes last year."

I love that that headline is supposed to be some sort of...gotcha? Make people mad? Because, to me, it seems to defeat that purpose and does a good job of summarizing what so many of us already know: rich people can pay taxes and magically STILL REMAIN RICH.

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And when Washington departed from his troops, he was left with no privates.

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