All the water in California has already been locked up. It started a long time ago. Water law is arcane and counterintuitive. In most western states you don't own the water that falls on your house without a special statutory exemption. Colorado has a law that permits you to catch rain from your roof in a limited size barrel. Otherwise it belongs to someone else. Nestle has already purchased most American spring (and well) water sources.
In my little eastern Sierra town, we are in a legal war with ultrarich LA based pistachio growers who have already planted enough trees to exhaust the ground water in about the useful life of the trees. If they are not stopped or bought out, we will be dry here in my kids' lifetimes, they will have met their business plan and will walk away leaving the town without an aquifer. LA bought up all the surface water (the Owens River) a hundred years ago. The giant pipes taking it to LA are clearly visible all along 200 miles of the eastern Sierras. Our one saving grace is that we are home to China Lake Naval Air Weapons Base and we might win on national security grounds. Can't have thousands of masters of war without any water.
No, hon, but if I copypasted all of Ezra Klein's work at Vox, WaPo, The American Prospect, and elsewhere, I wouldn't have time to make my Friday cocktails. Google him: he's one of the good'uns.
The Lieberman thing was especially epic, and is remembered fondly by those over a certain age.
Convincing people to not grow irrigated hay in that area is similar to convincing people in Coastal Florida and Louisiana to move inland or take serious global warming fighting measures. Eventually, and not too long from now, the problem solves itself. Either there's no water for the land or no land for all the water. Might as well make buggy whips.
There are a LOT of massacres of thriving Black communities in this country, We just don't learn about them in the all-White American "history" books -- like the ones the Daughters of American Confederacy pressured the schoolbook publishers to rewrite their "history" books so that slaveholders were portrayed in a "positive light"
And I thought I was the cock of the walk.
All the water in California has already been locked up. It started a long time ago. Water law is arcane and counterintuitive. In most western states you don't own the water that falls on your house without a special statutory exemption. Colorado has a law that permits you to catch rain from your roof in a limited size barrel. Otherwise it belongs to someone else. Nestle has already purchased most American spring (and well) water sources.
In my little eastern Sierra town, we are in a legal war with ultrarich LA based pistachio growers who have already planted enough trees to exhaust the ground water in about the useful life of the trees. If they are not stopped or bought out, we will be dry here in my kids' lifetimes, they will have met their business plan and will walk away leaving the town without an aquifer. LA bought up all the surface water (the Owens River) a hundred years ago. The giant pipes taking it to LA are clearly visible all along 200 miles of the eastern Sierras. Our one saving grace is that we are home to China Lake Naval Air Weapons Base and we might win on national security grounds. Can't have thousands of masters of war without any water.
You got a beef with me?
No, hon, but if I copypasted all of Ezra Klein's work at Vox, WaPo, The American Prospect, and elsewhere, I wouldn't have time to make my Friday cocktails. Google him: he's one of the good'uns.
The Lieberman thing was especially epic, and is remembered fondly by those over a certain age.
I want to rule the roost.
[Yeah, yeah, I know it's a mistaken version of "Rule the roast." I didn't get a BA in English for nothing.]
Plus Warren is no slouch either.
Seeing this makes me happy. Even if it doesn't pass right away, having the plan fully crafted and on the table moves the ball forward.
This thread is getting boaring.
And the Bay Area
Convincing people to not grow irrigated hay in that area is similar to convincing people in Coastal Florida and Louisiana to move inland or take serious global warming fighting measures. Eventually, and not too long from now, the problem solves itself. Either there's no water for the land or no land for all the water. Might as well make buggy whips.
Calling William and Elizebeth Friedman!
And yes, it was Elizebeth.
So hoof it.
Demand your share.
Don't go away sore. Just go away sorghum.
Sow what?
This is huge: medical examiner who performed autopsies on MICHAEL BROWN had no medical training.
There is actually a free Black settlement that is buried under Central Park NYC ... just like there are bones buried under Greenwood and Tulsa.
There are a LOT of massacres of thriving Black communities in this country, We just don't learn about them in the all-White American "history" books -- like the ones the Daughters of American Confederacy pressured the schoolbook publishers to rewrite their "history" books so that slaveholders were portrayed in a "positive light"
/weary sigh