Sheldon Adelson?

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Hypocrisy, they name is Republican.(I've said it before, but it bears repeating.)

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Read the same piece. Fascinating.Seems to me that would sure tell you who was KGB. Not sure if that's such a good idea.

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Okay, I'll say what I will about Putin: he's a homicidal psychopath. I'm honestly not sure why you think that makes him a better leader than a Young Earth Creationist. To my mind, those are both pathologies that we would do better to keep away from any post as exalted as the county dogcatcher.

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He needs a bra for those moobs if he's gonna be horseback riding. That can get pretty uncomfortable.

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That was hilarious.

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You owe me a new set of eyes my friend.

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Not getting the allusion. I'll have to Gogol it.

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Wait, is that France with the French flag on it?

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No. The typical Russian has only two defenses against madness, drunkenness and laughter. The Tsars, The Commies and now The Putin. They always end up screwed. Not many options to deal with things either.

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He would be in trouble with my old high school gym teacher for not having a cup.

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Take my eyes Lord, I've seen too much.

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Putin on the Ritz.

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I just heard a radio show about this neurological researcher who started getting bothered about how Putin doesn't swing his right arm when he walks. At first he thought it was Parkinson's, because that's one of the early signs, diminished arm swing. But then the researcher noticed that others of the top Russian brass ALSO had a diminished right arm swing and of course there was a WTF moment - they can't all have Parkinson's can they? So he comes to find out the KGB trains you to keep your hand close to the holster of your gun and they have to learn to walk like that. And apparently this "gunslingers gait" kind of stays with you.

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Karate chop... that's why Kasich uses those weird hand gestures... he's subtly demonstrating what he'll do to foreign leaders if they don't fall into line.

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“As for his internal political issues and his turns of speech which he uses to raise his popularity, I repeat, it’s not our job to judge them.”Don't forget the disclaimer, like we know he's full of shit.

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