Meh, Scott Brown did it first. Wake me up when this guy starts trying to pimp out his daughters.

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Sorry, we only elect ex-sportsballers to high office. They have a demonstrated ability to work as members of team. And to use tired sportsball metaphors to understand and explain everything.

Weightlifting, all that time in front of the mirror, it's a bit...what's the word? Oh yeah: solopsistic. (Did you think I'd use another word?)

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No shirt, no shoes, no melanoma...

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Is being crazy a requirement to run for high office in Arizona, or does running for high office just attract the nutters?

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we enacted it after Rose Mofford. ol Rose was awesome, but the shirtless strolls through downtown Phoenix were just too much...

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the worst part is that he doesn't sound any more bat shit crazy than the other GOP candidates

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