"At the very least, push a damn bill we can all get excited about."

Or maybe, maybe, people who identify as "liberals" or "progressives" or "the Left" or "sane Americans" need to get off their goddamn asses and vote. 2010 saw a 41% turnout rate. 2014 saw a 37% turnout rate. If the Left doesn't win under those conditions, it's because the Left doesn't bother to show up.

I get a little tired of people blaming Democratic politicians for not pushing sufficiently exciting legislation or overpromising in intriguing ways or jingling their keys just right to get the Left to show up. This is goddamn America, and it is our choice to either vote or shut the fuck up.

And no, we don't need a national holiday or online voting because going to the polls is haaarrrrd. Old people can do it. Our ancestors all did it. So try a little "adulting" and roll out of bed early once or twice a year.

This is a separate issue from Republicans trying to disenfranchise minorities, which is evil and needs to be opposed -- and needed to be opposed years ago, except that the Left couldn't be assed to care. But this isn't about minorities having to stand in the hot sun for hours to cast a vote (although they are willing to do that, which makes them damn good citizens); this is about spoiled entitled children who won't vote unless you promise them "Rick and Morty" toys.

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Fuck 'em. I've got both teeth and nails, too!

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THAT'S the ticket!


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And who knows, if enough people vote enough not-Republicans into office, they might surprise you as to what they accomplish with sufficient numbers.

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With a spoon. It’ll hurt more.

And a transvaginal wand up the pooper to send video to Jesus.

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I doubt they'll ever actually overturn Roe, even though they talk a good game. It's one of their best fundraising tools. It's all just theater; or, like the dog that catches the car.

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"We need to take control of the conversation, and we need to be negotiating from a place of strength and belief in our ideals rather than a place of weakness and “Mother May I” and worrying about whether or not people are “ready.”"


Brava, Robyn!!

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The point I'm trying to make is that they underestimate our resolve. The supreme court has made countless bad decisions in the past and people fought to overturn them and eventually won.

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fifth one free. complimentary knuckle tattoos and septum piercing

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I don't honestly believe that the Repubs really want to overturn Roe. I mean, how would they get their voters to the polls? Most serious anti-choicers are practically single-issue voters who wouldn't bother to show up if they already got their heart's desire.

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No, sitting in the stirrups would be awkward, to say the least.

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That is why they torpedoed the ACA. If it worked as intended we would have had a major win. So they lied and obfuscated about it, when they were the ones throwing the monkey wrench in the works by not accepting the expansion.

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I'm afraid to look at it, maybe after a stiff drink.

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You didn't get yours?

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