Ann's got her beat in the Adam's Apple department though.

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Wonkette should do a bracket. Sort of like March Maddness but for this sort of crazy mess. We can guess who is going to bail which conservative news outlet as the latest stray from the true course place and the last one standing gets the reward. My money is on plucky upstart CNN suddenly breaking out their right wing freak out squad and cinderelling Fox in the finals.

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Ha! Those chickens who held their wings over their ears and sang "lalalalalalalala!" during labor (not lamaze) class, finally come home to roost.

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Don't just limit it to the right. MSNBC has had Melissa tell them to pound sand...

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Everybody PLEASE STOP RAPING EACH OTHER.-Worm riddled Deadbart

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I remember that as a film strip.


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But if the picture was painted when he was 16, how does that work?

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It's fun to watch the mighty fall. At least, until the new season of Game of Thrones starts. More tits there.

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That oven mitt reminds me of Glove.

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Shapiro has to filibuster the Airing of Grievances to avoid Feats of Strength. Of which he has none.

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To be fair, Trump does have Chris Christie campaigning for him.

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Would that it were true. See: Bush, Cheney, Kristol, et al.

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Thanks, and Welcome to the Monkey House!

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See my Derp, Ye whities, and despair!

Glad you liked it!

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See also Sinking ship, rats, fleeing a

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Besides, that better describe Wonkette, which was bought by Yr Editrix the day Andy rung down the curtain and joined the choir invisible.

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