ShockerScandalBreakingAndWhatNot! DC Rep Eleanor Holmes Norton Asks Someone For Money (In 2010)!
We were pretty sexcited to listen to this audio recording of DC's congresswoman, Eleanor Holmes Norton, being "brazen" and "corrupt" and asking for "bribes." From 2010. Which we laughed at when Andrew Breitbart first breathlessly posted it. Which The Young Turks just posted as news.
Would she have a bribe menu, like the late lamented Duke Cunningham? (Is he out of prison yet? Is he in fact still alive?) Corruption is no dirty-hot-tub, but it can while away the blog hours.
So, er. Does anybody besides Cenk Uygur hear extortion here? We hear maybe a little entitlement? Like, her disbelieving laugh that she hasn't been offered contributions while her colleagues have?
Far more shocking, The Young Turks, is how outstandingly incompetent your closed caption transcribers are. They are basically like "robot taco death march" all over the place.
I was shocked, shocked to see that about Paris Jesse's death. I wasn't even aware she (he?) was sick.
The Duke was a political prisoner, in the sense that he used his political position to commit crimes, for which he got sent to prison. Slightly different from Nelson Mandela, okay.
In the Navy, which prizes airplane-driving above all other pertinent skills, Duke was famed for his quasi-literate memos; those who worked for him referred to his condition as "Duke-lexia."