I was shocked, shocked to see that about Paris Jesse's death. I wasn't even aware she (he?) was sick.

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The Duke was a political prisoner, in the sense that he used his political position to commit crimes, for which he got sent to prison. Slightly different from Nelson Mandela, okay.

In the Navy, which prizes airplane-driving above all other pertinent skills, Duke was famed for his quasi-literate memos; those who worked for him referred to his condition as "Duke-lexia."

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The first (heck, probably the only) surrealist R&B song.

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If his income is $1,700 per month then he's doing better than me. Substantially better. And I have never broken any laws. Talk about coddling criminals!

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Now I have that song stuck in my head...

<em>Why did Constantinople get the works? That's nobody's business but the Turks</em>

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Windsor libel!!!

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<em>They are basically like “robot taco death march” all over the place.</em>

You <strong>finally</strong> got me to watch the video. With the sound off and cc on, just to read the captions. Outstanding is an understatement.

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"Cenk Uygur?"

In school was his nickname "Eye Chart?"

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Really, turn the sound off and cc on. It is hilarious.

Maybe it helps if you're stoned.

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