Good one!

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Of course he would contradict the scientists. Narcissism aside, he knows the medical. People are surprised at his natural ability.

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Trump represents the guy at the end of the bar at 1:30, slurring 'They don't know shit. Lemme tell ya how it really is!' Excellent presidential choice.

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Indeed it would. It would offer the framework for researchers to build a vaccine on.

Just a little more time and there should be some consensus on the matter.

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so, Easter 2120?

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I'm going to guess they were talking about it on Fox News at the time

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If it weren't for these blinds, it'd be curtains for us.

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It’s improbable that there’s only one gene contributing to such a widespread distribution, especially when you consider families who are filled with brilliant people and one Paul Gosar.

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They know that they have to set expectations and move the goalposts about a billion miles. Hence the re framing of what 'success' looks like. Easy to do when your core constituency has a social memory of about 45 minutes.

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No. Shame doesn't work. Only brute force (with votes WHERE POSSIBLE). They didn't defeat Hitler and Mussolini through shaming the German and Italian people.

If you "have to believe" that shame will work, then I'm sorry then you probably have to believe in the Tooth Fairy or the second coming of Christ with added smiting power, because those are also imaginary solutions to real problems.

The idea that fascism can be stopped with ANYTHING but outright physical opposition to / disruption of their schemes was disproved over and over again throughout history.

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If you "have to believe" that shame will work, then I'm sorry then you probably have to believe in the Tooth Fairy or the second coming of Christ with added smiting power, because those are also imaginary solutions to real problems.

That feels gratuitously unkind. We're all trying to get through this together.

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Forgive me for seeming unkind. But I am especially frustrated by this because, as the excellent screenwriter John Rogers pointed out more than 10 years ago (http://kfmonkey.blogspot.co..., being utterly shameless (in a Trump sense) is a superpower, because well-meaning liberals seem to have no weapon any more against evildoers except shame.

I really would like you, and everyone else, to understand that shame does not work against fascists and turn to weapons that do. It really does seem like Native Americans in the 1880s thinking "maybe THIS magic charm will turn aside paleface bullets! I have to believe that!"

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Except some people live paycheck to paycheck and cannot afford to get two weeks of everything. Also not every store would let you buy two weeks' worth of everything. I get it. Kids coughing all over the place is a big problem (even without COVID). I just don't know how we tell the single mom with two toddlers she can't shop for anything for two weeks.

I agree on the necessity thing, but some people disagree on what is or is not a necessity. Like, if I run out of my anti-inflammatory, I could probably live without it. But I wouldn't want to risk a flare up of my condition, because it's painful and unhealthy. So is that a necessity? I don't think so now, but if I'm writhing in pain and bleeding out my ass, I would probably disagree with my own assessment.

Sorry. I'm not trying to sea lion, I swear. I appreciate your thoughts and commentary, and I don't completely disagree with you. I just don't know where the lines should be drawn, that's all. We are all trying to muddle through this, so knowing what other people's expectations are is helpful, I think.

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Sounds about right. He's so stupid that it's hard sometimes to anticipate what he thinks will benefit him, but this rings true.

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and alack, also too.

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I wonder when one of the few right-thinking evangelicals will finally speak up and blame Covid-19 on the traitorous evangelicals who elected a heathen into office in their savior's name. Maybe never?

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