Those hands do bare a remarkable resemblance to the ones sticking out of Trumps sleeves.

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So who was getting adopted? Was Junior getting one of those Russian mob tattoos I see in the movies?

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I want to know why we are not hearing more about Cambridge Analytica and the Mercers. It seems that these people are the catalyst for this entire attack on our democracy. The Mercers and the DeVos are in this neck deep.

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When can we start playing Layla?

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Or the grass being brown? Or the sky being gray?

Must just be here.

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So, is the takeaway, here, that Trump didn't really want it, Bannon didn't expect Trump to get it, but everyone was just interested in fucking over Hillary Clinton? I don't know why I should be surprised to find that was the fucking goal, but here we are...

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"Damn it, Bannon! What did you get me into?"

"Don't worry, sir. We can make up for it by using the office to enhance your meager wealth ... I mean, your INCREDIBLE WEALTH!"

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Damn! That child has huge hands in comparison!

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For those who can't link ...

"And I thought Moose and Squirrel were stupid, Natasha! Hoo, boy!" https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I almost feel bad for Christie. He bounds over to Trump like a happy energetic puppy and ol Donald punts him out of his inner circle.


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The minute I heard about the letter Comey sent to congress saying he was reopening the Clinton email investigation, I thought that doomed Clinton. Yet even today, most people claim it had little effect. It looks like the Trump campaign shares the same opinion as I do, though. While I did not want to see Comey fired, I think history books will show him as the biggest and last factor leading to a Trump presidency. And that the Trump presidency was the start of the U.S. falling from preeminence in the world to just another player. Sort of like the decline of the British Empire after WW II.

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Well, it's all about misogyny and always was, wasn't it? The "She's a Cunt" t-shirts were a bit of a hint.

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I thought exactly the same thing. He is Joe Pesci's character, only without the charm, skills, and abilities.

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So, Donnie fired Manafort because the press reported his campaign was a fuckshow and his staff had to communicate with him through the teevee.

Why hasn't he fired Rince Pubis for the same reason?

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If they passed the repeal and delayed it until 2019, that would make it an issue in the midterm elections. That should work out well for the Republicans.

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