"I'd rather be bald than have no hair at all."

-- Mark Levin

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I have known that for twenty hears.

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Wonkette? You aren't dabbling in Fake News are you? As this is neither Shocking or New. (Nor?)

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After Trump is done destroying the country the GOP will blame Trump for it. Why they still back him after the GOP has gotten everything they wanted out of him already is stupid.

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Both Gary Sandy and I know that.

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The real question is does Howard Hesseman know?

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Perhaps from the waist up only.

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I'm shocked, I tell you, SHOCKED!

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The difference between Trump and the average Fox News viewer is that they probably actually work for a living and earn their money, unlike Donnie Dumb-dumb.

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BTDT. I'm grateful that my doctors all seem to like home improvement shows. The auto repair shop, however results in double pain.

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ever notice that Fucker Tarlson's dermatologist missed the spot between his eyebrows when they were botoxing his forehead? He always looks like he's having trouble understanding english.

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Walsh is just pretending, I guarantee it.

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Fox viewers are angry viewers. Or just old asses who refuse to accept change is coming. Mr. Robinson hit the nail on the head. Trump speaks their language. His vocabulary is on par w a 7th grade boy who tries to sound like he is a 9th grader. His anger toward those others who look like that loser last POTUS is their anger. Pissed they are losers yet refuse to acknowledge their part in their loserness. I'm surrounded by these people who think America can stand alone in the world and win. Idiots who refuse to educate themselves about anything. People who mine coal and see the writing on the fossil fuel wall but refuse training to get a better job. Trump is white trash America wrapped in false wealth and false bravado. Money doesnt hide the hate or envy of a man it amplifies it and gives other haters permission to hate. If by some fucked up cosmic explosion Trump remains president we wont be talking about President Trump but King Trump and his ignorant brood of princes and princesses. God help us all if that happens.

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Trump will be President-for-Life, followed by Donald, Barron, and their inbred heirs.

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Well, surPRIIIIISE, surpriiiiiise!

(channelling Gomer Pyle there)

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