That this is allowed to happen in the richest country in the world is disgusting.

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Iron? In my day it was bronze.

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So, it's ok for the school to publicly humiliate the kid, but not ok for the father to publicly humiliate the school. Got it.

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metals? In *my* day, a good fire hardened sharp stick could get you anything you could out run.

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Well damn

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...I thought it meant "hug", geez!!!

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"Where can I draw the line regarding my parental rights?”

Silly dad! You can draw the line if they try to teach your kid some actual science. Otherwise, shut up and submit.

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It is not the child's fault if they have no money for lunch....It is the parents.....No child should be shamed or branded by uncaring teachers with an agenda.....I am glad he went to the paper....Let everyone see how caring and sensitive they really are...I wonder if it was a public or for profit school....And it sounds like they are a GOP affiliated school for shaming the child to get to the parent..

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:( well that's how I meant it. From now on, I'll just SAY hugs. This is why we can't have nice things, like decades-old symbol for hugs.

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but you guys, he was a WHITE kid! And the ink wouldn't have shown up on mahogany or mocha colored skin! (sounds like dad got a case of butthurt and his son suffered even more as a result of him making a scene. Yeah, that'll "learn" them!)

(I'm always getting emails or robot calls from the school stating that one of the boys was not in class. I tend to ignore them since it was usually something about SOLs or spirit day or something equally Kafkaesque.)

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tell us about the kid with a dimple in his cheek!

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I don't know. Does anyone anywhere anymore think before doing, saying, planning anything? Just askin'.

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Yes, absolutely. Every teacher I know subsidizes their classrooms, and sometimes pay for kids' lunches and sometimes equipment for after-school clubs.

Since I'm a working mom, I can't volunteer in the classroom like some parents, so I've always told my son's teachers: if you're out of something --erasers, tissues, paper, markers -- email me your wish list. I can't fund your whole classroom, but I can sure pitch in some to make your job less draining. After all, that teacher is already sentenced to dealing with my kid, so it's the least I can do. (Kidding. He's a great kid. But still.....)

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but, but, what did the sign say?

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