Wow, Batboy is still undead? I thought he’d been killed by laughter at his “plan” for government.

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Ta, Stephen. Rick Scott, who was wealthy to begin with, has pocketsful of ill gotten gains from ripping off Medicare and Medicaid. Let's forget that NEVER.

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"As Vanity Fair observes, Scott is one of the least popular politicians among voters in Florida, a state that includes Marco Rubio and Ron DeSantis."

How I love the understated.

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"CNN rang in the new year with a detailed list of the 10 Senate seats most likely to flip in the November election"

How 'evidence based' is this?

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I hope ... do people understand that we CANNOT get ANY laws passed with Confederate Republicans in charge in either chamber of Congress?

Because their directive -- ESPECIALLY those who are getting paid directly by the Russians (which is most of them, even if they were getting more money from Putin & his other oligarchs before the Ukraine war started) -- is to PASS NOTHING, and GET NOTHING DONE ... from which vantage point they will then try to convince their idiot voters that "government doesn't work", conveniently leaving out the part where they were the ones who deliberately threw the monkey wrenches in the hopes of stopping it from working.

People get all that, right?

Nancy MacLean -- on her book "Democracy in Chains" with Thom Hartmann


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Sent dome dineros

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"CNN rang in the new year with a detailed list of the 10 Senate seats most likely to flip in the November election, and eight of them are incumbent Democrats."

that just doesn't scan...not in this environment...I can see republican incumbents KEEPING their seats, but TAKING seats from Democrats? If anything democrats are in a STRONGER position than they've been infor a generation...

Where is the breakdown on this? Because if this is true, we might as well hang it up...We can't survive another 4 years with ANY republican majority in either the House OR the Senate...Seriously...If Republicans take the senate I'm done with the news feeds and social media...I'd rather spend spend whatever's left of my life doing the things I enjoy than fretting over something that's pretty much hopeless...

Seriously, we HAVE to at least KEEP the senate on top of TAKING the House or it is OVER

maybe I'm just having a bad day and feeling hyperbolic, its just that I didn't realize that the Senate is already a done deal...This was news to me and quite a shock and I still don't buy it even as someone prone to pessimism...It just doesn't track

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CNN has an owner at the top, who is a republican, the head of Warner Bros/Discovery. John Malone a man so vile Al Gore called him "Darth Vader." It is not the CNN of Ted Turner and cannot be trusted anymore.


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thank you!

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Given how Republicans always come home (and lie to people in polls about that), I think we just have to make sure we get turnout. Clearly, Democrats...being human...cannot run a completely mistake-free campaign to take away any plausible reasons to vote for Skeletor here, so really what we have to do is just get people to the polls and get the job done. But never believe these polls!

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And Beto will beat Cruz!...and those terrific pilot ladies will beat McConnell and Cornyn!

Republicans can count.

They want a Senate majority.

To quote from Buffy, "Here endeth the lesson."

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Listen -- when & how did we get to the point where the national internal dialogue is "Confederate Republicans want something -- so we should just give it to them"



OF COURSE Confederate Republicans cheat. That's what Confederates did in 1866 as well (which is one of the reasons Reconstruction got wrecked) ... and it's one of the reasons some of us have near-literally been screaming "MAKE SURE EVERYONE VOTE, AND MAKE SURE WE HAVE SAFEGUARDS IN PLACE SO REPUBLICANS CAN'T SUCCESSFULLY CHEAT" *literally* since 2015.

But I'm not sure the lesson is to roll over and LET them ... like we're the Weimar Republic or something



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Beto is sitting this one out, the man to beat Crooze is Colin Alred.

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I haz concern. Are he and Roland Gutierrez going to have to go head-to-head in a D primary in order to figure out which one of them gets to challenge Ted Cruz for that seat ... ?

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They shall in March. I hope and sort of expect them to not get the knives out.

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I hate it.

They're both good Democrats and both Eduardo Rafael Cruz and John Cornyn need to be replaced.

Of course, there's the question of how Greg Abbott is going to close precincts to stop Democratic-leaning voters from cheating ... and how much those school district "takeovers" by billionaire-funded MAGAt fascists are going to have to do with it since school districts so often serve as polling places.

I still don't think Beto didn't beat either Republican he ran against either for Governor or Senator. I think Greg Abbott figured out several "death by a thousand cuts" bureaucratic ways to cheat him out of his victories with Dan Patrick and Ken Paxton's help and I'm furious there wasn't more pushback.

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Texas has SO MANY MAGA asshole voters I don't think any cheating was required to beat Beto by 2.6%, but I won't go as far as to say they didn't try. I vote in Texas, besides the usual voter suppression antics I think it would be hard to massage the totals, I guess every county is different, but in Nueces Co we vote by machine with a paper trail.

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With Joe Manchin’s seat almost certainly lost, democrats need to pump a shit ton of resources into ousting Rick Scott, Josh Hawley, and Ted Cruz. They’re seen as the most vulnerable republicans this year.

And oh yeah, Dems can’t afford to lose any seats in states like Pa and Oh either.

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Ohio did rather well recently on statewide ballot issues, keeping in mind that none of those had R's or D's after them, but Sherrod is well-liked and connects well with the blue collar contingent (who should have connected with Ryan but didn't).

If nothing else in our favor here (and in Pa.) is that the Republicans are guaranteed to pick the worst possible choice out of a field of bad choices in the primary.

Oh yeah, something called Dobbs that the fringe left is talking about. The MSM is completely ignoring it, so I don't know how big a deal that might be.

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Also NV

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I'm going to have to disagree with one thing - Gerrymanders don't actually change the results of a statewide election. It may make people feel better to say that the reason your state is represented at all levels by a specific party is because of the evils of gerrymandering but really you just have only one party actively voting. Now that may be true in FL because the Democratic party sucks but it could also be because they are infected with a bunch of racist trolls who vote MAGA over all. That said, if I were forced to bet I'd out my money on Skeletor for the win. I have complete faith in the degeneracy of the FL voting age population.

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Not in the one election, but if your state is gerrymandered, one side gets more legislators in those statehouse races, then those elected officials get press and experience, theoretically giving them an advantage when they level up for federal delegation or governor's offices.

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This, and statewide gerrymandering means a supermajority of one party gets to set voting policy and restrictions (eg voter ID laws, one precinct with broken machines in an urban district, etc).

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And draw voting districts which is what DeathSantis did. Eliminating two majority democratic districts.

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This may have been addressed earlier but why do we have no cat pic on this story? Are we only replacing Republicans with cats?

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Cat pics are replacing the deplorables. Ms. Murcarsel-Powell is admirable:).

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Rick Scott underwater....wouldn't that just make my day! This weasel always seems to escape... winning once by half of a % and his message always sucks. McConnell will come out of his shell and Rhonda Santis will also support Scott before it's over.

But Ms. Mucarsel-Powell has her own successes backed by the President's extremely strong list of policy wins to run on and we must support her in every way.

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Speaking of being underwater, who's more likely to survive the encroaching ocean in ol' Florida, Republicans or Democrats?

Republicans do have the wherewithal to grab the increasingly valuable land, but they aren't for shit about dealing with the everyday routines for survival if it isn't handed to them on a silver platter.

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Excellent point. The ocean is encroaching on quite a bit of the Repub controlled areas. Soon DJT and his oceanfront property, both on the Intercoastal and the Atlantic, will be in Orlando. He might need to buy The Magic Kingdom. Then the moron can crown himself and declare himself "King Shit of the Ca-Ca Tribe."

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I’ve stopped having any expectations of good things coming out of Florida since 2020, and it has done wonders for my mental health.

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I gave them up for dead in 2000. For once, I'm trendsetting!

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We did go for Obama though.

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Mitch's one and only problem with Scott is he said the quiet parts out loud not any disagreement on policy.

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He would have at least tarted it up with a friendly acronym before presenting the sugar-coated allusions.

The SAFE Act. Save America For Elderly Act.

Which elderly? Well, if you really have the inclination to dig deep enough, it will be elderly white billionaire men.

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That's been his primary problem with the PAB.

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“the exceptionally wealthy Scott.” Medicare fraud pays well.

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And Matt Gaetz's daddy too.

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Medicare fraud is classier than shoplifting at CVS.

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More lucrative, also, too.

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I love the video! She's saying exactly what I always say about the Democratic party's lackluster ability to engage voters. "There was absolutely no infrastructure bringing our voters out... There was absolutely no structure to communicate with our voters."

And she's talking about a big purple state like Florida! No wonder the Democratic party is virtually nonexistent in middle America. It's like, they've got a decent product, but their brand has a bad name and the packaging is generic, plain cardboard, and nobody sees any reason to snazz it up and grab people's attention.

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