And tell us about Vince Foster again...

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Who should I contact to get one of these acting gigs? George Soros?

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Burrito and lots of hot sauce

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LA County Jute Balls FTW!

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It’s off the menu

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What if brain is missing?

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Beto? I was expecting MILF pron

Second-rate MILF pron

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Are there potential legal repercussions for yelling at a public figure in a public place? Asking for a friend who is definitely not a goofy Yellow Lab. Maybe $5F could do a Lawsplainer post.

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Cruz, the epitome of winning ugly and losing uglier.

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Thank you (You must be new here) :-D

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But what separates us from the other side. I understand they degraded civic discourse and respect first, but cyberbullying and real-life bullying is one of the humongous turnoffs of republicans. It's not a good look for us either.

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Also, do you guys seriously believe all survivors carte blanche? I don't think we need to even discuss how silly that is.Not even Ronan Farrow endorses that method. I was assuming it's about believing due process.

I personally like this article which says a number of good stuff for both sides:https://www.usatoday.com/st...

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There's a difference between someone who did something bad and someone who associates with someone who did something bad. When does it all end? If we say that you're not allowed to make up your own mind about Kavanaugh, then what makes you different than the thought police? We don't even know if Cruz will cast a vote for or against Kavanaugh, we don't know how the evidence (I personally believe her) will stack up against Kavanaugh's innocence or guilt.

Besides at one point do you stop being the party of compassionate progress and at one point are you stooping down to the level of your enemies. One of the things I hate about the right is cyber-bullying and harrassment. One of the reasons I believe Trump should be impeached is he cyber-bullies citizens. I absolutely agree with that Lexington Restaurant's right to politely decline a dinner to Sarah Huckabee Saunders, but this crosses a line.

I say this as someone who's sick to my stomach over the thought of what Trump is doing to the State Department and the DOJ, as someone who can't stand the xenophobia and immigrant persecution and someone who desperately wants to see the left take the midterms and finally dispense some justice to the administration, but this is making it worse.

I applaud Beto O'Rourke

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We could tell.

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thank god the voice of reason

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