She probably put a note in it calling him a twit and a wanker fully knowing he'll never see it since he doesn't read.

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This is truly scary. This crowd of uniformed rednecked assholes have no business in the uniform of whatever branch they're in. Let's see if they're command sees this the same way and helps them understand with a nice Article 15 and the loss of pay and leave. Then lets see how much they love their CinC - especially one who's primary experience with service was getting out of it.

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I hope that's how it will go.

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To be fair, I think Mulvaney was saying that some kid on the president's* advance team made that request, not someone in the military. The fact that someone in the chain-of-command actually didn't just say fk that noise is disgraceful.

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Rhetorical Knots- wasn't that the title of Weather Report's last album?

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Noun, verb, "my daddy"

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It's like someone took a perfectly good trailer park and sprayed it down with gold spray paint....

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But hilarious!...

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Stephen, trump is losing a feud with A DEAD man! Im using that because it's facking fiznny! I love u Stephen, I miss Seattle. If I still lived there i would I would invite you to Big Time on The Ave, for beer and pizza...

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Respect for Wonkette traditions is never in bad taste. See also hoofwanking bunglecunt, below.

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Er, wait, I would actually consider it an issue worth firing a person over if they were so consumed by a personal grudge that they couldn't sit in the same room with a person for a few hours in order to do their job. That's the kind of thing that demonstrates a personality incompatible with their responsibilities, and the kind of behavior that ends up eventually grinding the entire organization to a halt when nobody can get his input on matters that concern his department in a timely manner.

What kind of organization is Mulvaney running, where you let people just... Not show up to their jobs?

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I think the dead pimp winning in Nevada tops that.

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It certainly is!

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And the dead man is winning.....

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Chuck Todd cannot believe the garbage he is hearing. Laughter is an appropriate response.

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This gang of murderous and gluttonous trash clowns have never had respect for the military, nor were they capable of credibly pretending to. But many of our warriors, like the population in general, are too far gone into worshipping Derp Furor to see it.

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