Bonus points for the nightshade mushroom reference.

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I do NOT want to see the documents produced illustrating Rule 34.

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Never trust anyone who's eyebrows look like that, on purpose.

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An orgasm is an even better cure - that's how vibrators came to be invented.

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It is so expensive because it needs to be stored in a cave in a "vibration convergence zone" for a year slathered in patchouli oil.

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Under a full moon

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Couldn't agree more. It drives me absolutely up the fucking wall to see the mountain of "herbal remedies" my mother - who is on a fixed income - relies on, thanks to her "alternative medical practitioner's" advice.

She changes doctors about every 7 or 8 months because it takes about that long for them to go from "he's so wonderful and understanding" to "he doesn't seem to have time for me and besides, he gave me a prescription for antibiotics so I know he's in the pocket of western medicine," and each new doctor is treated to the sight of this 4' 10" old lady dragging a shopping bag full of shark cartilage and other bullshit into his office to make sure that he's aware of the "successful" treatment she's undergoing from her "other doctor."

At least she does that - she used to tell new doctors that she wasn't taking any medicine even as she was downing handfuls of these idiotic pills daily, because she doesn't consider her supplements to be the same as "western prescription drugs."

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Most molds are pretty harmless. After all, each of us breathe in and unknowingly eat millions of mold spores daily without much ballyhoo. But some are really nasty, even in small doses.

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$804,808:50 at tonights rates.Australian Media carries a lot of blame for Gibson, she was on all the morning TV shows, so called current affairs programs and in all the newspapers except the ABC which actually had the nerve to question her story. No one else in the media did for years.

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Giant Asteroids are perfectly natural, and are well known to eliminate pesky dinosaur infestations.

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But! But! But! She seems so nice, what with the whole lying about cancer thing! I mean, what about [insert whatever the fuck the Australian equivalent of BENGHAZI!!! is here, is there one? Probably not, whstev]? Shouldn't we be worrying about real issues, not one lady who could potentially kill people with her stupid nonsense!

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I've been an herbalist for 30 years, and a clinical herbalist for 16. True fact: I am also a shamanic practitioner, so whatever I say after revealing that I believe and even work with spirits is obviously coming from a whack-a-doo (I don't care) so read on at your own risk.

I believe in science (I taught anatomy and physiology for 8 years ) however I also believe there are things science hasn't been able to measure and study and prove or disprove one way or the other. More competent study needs to be done with herbs in particular to find out if they can benefit people with diseases like cancer. But I think it's ignorant to see how herbalists and naturopaths all get lumped together into quacks in this column.

While I agree that most of the egregious examples of bad herbalists and naturopaths Volpe provides us with deserve our vigorous excoriation, I don't agree with all of the sentiments regarding these two professions. Most of the herbalists and naturopaths I know are incredibly caring, responsible medical professionals who provide their clients/patients with great care and when they can't they know when to refer them to someone who can.



Unfortunately, there are definitely charlatans out there, and they should be spotlighted and suffer the consequences to prevent harm from being done. But they exist in every profession. This column could easily be about all of the quacks with medical degrees and it would never run out of material.

I use herbs every day and am better for it. I have been able to avoid using pharmaceuticals with problematic side-effects thanks to taking helpful and safe herbs instead. But I wouldn't promise my clients miracles nor counsel them to "fix" their compound fracture with chamomile tea either. Herbs like any healing agent, need to be approached with respect and common sense.

Telling people that they should have a blanket distrust of complementary medicine is as harmful as telling them that they should trust it completely. The same can be said for conventional medicine. It can be difficult, especially when you are sick and vulnerable, to advocate the best course of treatment for yourself. Deciding to try something off the beaten path can be seen as an act of courage or stupidity depending on your perspective. I appreciate Volpe's perspective even as I take issue with it.

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No actually I'm not but feel free to think whatever you like.

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Don't get me started on those murderous charlatans. Fuck Cancer Treatment Centers of America.

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Whenever someone natters on about how naturopathy/herbalism/etc. is perfectly safe because they're just plants, I like to point out that people prescribed the statin Crestor can't eat grapefruit because the All Natural, God-Given chemicals in grapefruit interact with it in strange and funky ways that may or may not result in the death of the patient. They usually blink at me, then rush off to The Googles to confirm, and then give me funny looks all night.

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Thankfully I was still in the city - and I'm on the Hurstbridge/South Morang line ;) Straight to a city hospital.

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