Hey, if the gummint didn't build those hydro projects, people wouldn't be using so much electricity.

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what about e. e. cummings mr. or ms. liberal fancy punctuation rooster? hmmmmm????

(me? i am just too lazy to capitalize on the intertubes.)

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Hah - have you seen what Xe is charging the U.A.R. for a lousy 800 mercenaries?

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We did that the other night when we took the kids to Outback instead of Burger King. It turns out that if you spend money rapidly, you end up spending more. Too bad that was impossible to predict.

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hahahaha silly people! we won't need to balance the budget after saturday.

jesus will do it.

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How much money goes to encourage teens not to have sex?

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<i>"... increased spending for our men and women in uniform."</i>

The uniform he means is, of course, the three piece suits favored by billionaires.

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Hooray for opposite day! Less spending is more spending. Obama is a socialist. Gingrich is full of "ideas".

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Government doesn't have a spending problem, it has an arithmetic problem.

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