LT, not saying the south doesn't have it's wingnuts, it certainly does. I'm just saying the north isn't really any better, you all basically suck. I hate fucking New Yorkers and any other metropolitan Starbucks liberal motherfuckers. Losers.

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Michelle Bachman.

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"With the exception of Idaho most of those states have resistance"

In your own mind, perhaps.

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Give me a call when you can produce a Tennessee Williams or Louis Armstrong. Thanks.

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Well, makes just as much sense to mock ya'll too

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Yes, it was explicit, Mini,Mencken.

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look at Maine and the other states, You guys are just nuts.

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I don't hate any part of the country, the stereotypes just get under my skin sometimes. The south does have it's good points despite being majority teatard. You have to remember it isn't 100% percent teatard, about 30% of the population is reasonable and sane. Trust me, no one hates the NASCAR god fearin' type crap more than me.

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Peace, I hate all that crap too. Upfisted. Nevertheless, I do love NOLA, and it's in the South, but LA doesn't really partake in any of that crap so much, being a majority Catholic former French colony.

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"splagnitzomai" sounds like some sort of awful Austro-Hungarian noodle dish. Which gets us back to the stomach/intestine thing. So, um, yeah.

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What about our Nazi pals...can't they re-enact the siege of Vienna? (oh wait...the commies won that one)

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Hehe. "Period."

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Michael Jackson?

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oh sad little troll pet:

do fridays make you sad? that is the day when other people go to bars or shows or sporting events or have sex with their partner(s).

sad little troll pet spends his fridays repetitively clicking a small box above comments written by people he hates.

sad pet.

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Is it my imagination, or does every post start out with one upfist, sort of as a birthright? Maybe Wonkette can have it boosted to two or three. Just to keep the troll amused and out of public view.

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