Bartles and James?

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Oh those dreamy broad shoulders.

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Tusentals "stemmekveg", hvis jeg husker rett.

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She has no sex parts; like a Barbie doll, she is perfectly smooth.Every so often she undergoes imperfect mitosis (much like other Trumpan beings) and makes a smaller version of herself. Her husband is obviously a beard.The fact she has no outlet genitalia (again like other Trumpans) belies her being loaded with toxic excreta- which informs her general emotional outlook.

Ergo, she cannot help herself (itself) and cannot be held responsible for anything she (it) may think, say or do.

Trumpans depressurize by aerosolizing their excretions all over anyone in their general vicinity in airborne form via the oral orifice. This toxic "noise" will sound like words and semi-intelligent sounds, but are actually an expression of highly septicemic emotion, and as such, given to nonsense.The main problem is that those who "hear" this "communication" will sometimes acquire Trumpan traits, how long they do so is dependent upon duration and proximity of exposure to the initial or ongoing event.Trumpans must continue making sounds lest they actually explode, in which case a torrent of septic garbage will blow in all directions, much like Mr. Creosote.

This species was identified in the last few years. They mostly keep to themselves, occasionally annoying people at Thanksgiving dinner, or trolling Twitter.It was only in the last 20 years that they started to "come out of the closet," so to speak. It is not known why they chose to begin making themselves known, but since Donald Trump is the best complete holotype of this species, they were named in his honor. They tend to be Republicans, usually rich (generally born into money) and have unrealistic expectations, not only for themselves, but for everyone else.

While Homo trumpum is a new and endangered species, and as such needs protection, this species should not, under any circumstances, be placed in charge of anything. Not even a bake sale. They should not be trusted to organize a game of Uno, Old Maid or Candy Land.While relatively docile in their non-managerial state, when in charge the "Hitler gene" becomes activated almost immediately, and they mutate into megalomaniacal solipsistic parasitoid machines.

To ameliorate this problem, former Pink Floyd bassist and lyricist Roger Waters has proposed "The Fletcher Memorial Home for Incurable Tyrants, Kings, and Colonial Wasters of Life and Limb." It's a place for these unfortunate creatures to meet others of their kind, safely decompress and, most importantly, isolate from the general populace.

Perhaps a Kickstarter can be put into action to create such a place for these mephitic wastrels like Palin (Homo trumpum odiosa), Cruz (Homo trumpum turpissimus), or Rubio (Homo trumpum mechanicus).

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Assumes facts not in evidence. You must first demonstrate that she thinks...

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I have had that pic, poster size, on the wall in my computer room since the day after that debate. Guess I'll retire it come january.

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Sorry calling anyone's speech silly and contradictory? She so trolls us, constantly!

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Palin should be a WWE announcer. She's got the skills.

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People like Sarah Palin have enough money and influence to occasionally get a glimpse of the balls of the men who really run things in this country, but she's nowhere near rich and influencial enough to ever get close enough to actually fondle them.

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I see what you did there. Be sorta like sucking on a Neosporin cap with the major difference being the Neosporin cap could represent a choking hazard.

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I want my contents back.-the empty can of Crisco in the pantry

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Perhaps Carly Fiorina's endorsement will similarly help Trump with H-P employees.

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Wait. The Donald's shoulders aren't big enough? That doesn't sound very Gaulty to me. . .

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Y'know, I told a friend that he really, *really* should want McCain/Palin to lose, because if they won, he'd never get to pick her up in a bar and get laid...

Was I right, or what?

mark "would *not* touch her...."

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Definitely not the orange sunshine.

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Poor Sarah. Trump isn't interested

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