Welllll … I have heard that there are so-called spies who don't even have enough intelligence to come in from the cold, so just maybe …Nah. I was trying to give the benefit of every doubt, but that's too much. Maybe they met some wannabes who thought claiming to be spies might get them laid. But then wouldn't they have to be kind of stupid to believe it?

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Sea of Dreams : Yellow Submarine

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New Mexico : Hitch, got a thumb and she's a son-of-a-bitch

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I thought you just had to send in the postcards every month, checking the boxes that said "I did not sell national seekrets to Russia, China , or Scary Brown People."

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6 months in the pen is too short for this guy. I would like to see if 2 years would make him sing.

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Oh, come on! Who doesn't have a Mossad agent approach and and give him $10,000 for no apparent reason?It happens to me every couple of weeks or so, once a month at least. It got to the point where I had to put up a sign at the front door: No religious solicitation, salesmen or Mossad agents!

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I've seen enough hentai to feel sorry for Mr Farmer here. He won't be able to walk properly for at least a fortnight.

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Where's my fucking Landrover?? Waiting.

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Deep State??? let's get something clear here. George Papadopoulos tried to keep up with drinking as much as Australian. And failed. If he also confessed to treason at the same time it is due to him not being as awesome as the average Australian.. ahem... not due to some big fucking world-wide conspiracy. That is just bogus and a pile of wombat droppings. And I'll fight any of your fuckers who say otherwise....

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Looking for Lunch (in all the wrong places)All out of LunchIt must have been Lunch

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I had a boyfriend take me to a truck stop for a "surprise" dinner date once. Is it anything like that?

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Never, Gordie would cross check me into the boards and then low stick me.

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He probably won't get any Greek food in prison either. How much is one man supposed to be able to stand???!1?

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Gordie Howe libelz!

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might give a whole new meaning to "ho ho ho"...

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It could be worse. He could have been born Carter Page.

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