BREAKING NEWS! There was a missing detail in the accepted timeline of events surrounding Josh Duggar's molestation of five girls, including four of his sisters.
I know "the United Bates of America." Heard about it a few weeks ago, another Quiverfull family. And the upcoming episode where the Duggars meet & greet them. New fodder for the Duggar sons.
Thanks for the link, it gave me the opportunity to blast TLC again. Did you notice that they are still recommending the Duggars show? They heard about that too. Beyond disgusting.
"In Touch" is doing a story on a guy feeling up his sisters....really....come on your kidding the sick pathetic jokes just write themselves sometimes.....
Just found an article connecting the families to the same CHURCH. Cross Church who was the original employer of the rapist of Harris's re-gifted daughters.
... you know what happens when you "assume", don't you? Yeah, that's right... look it up. You really don't know/understand Wonkette at all, do you? Never mind, that last question is rhetorical.
... not really news to those who've been following Wonkette religiously (if you will), but thank you for the reminder. Discovering that a Church has been complicit in covering up pedophilia is something most people have known for decades. The fact they haven't become vocal about it is another story entirely...
... unfortunately, that movie would only be seen by the people who already know this. The (f)Right Wing will boycott it because they "can't handle the truth!"... think fingers-plugged-in-ears while shouting NYAH! NYAH! NYAH! Can't hear you!... on that score alone, they are consistent.
It's an exponential "fucked uppedness"... I can guarantee you the molested daughters will, in the absence of any psychological counseling, will turn a blind eye to whatever the patriarch of the family decides to do. Indoctrination since birth tends to lead to a very effective Stockholm Syndrome.
... and then, after He angrily wiped away His tears, He screamed... "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU PEOPLE DOING IN MY NAME? STOP IT! - JUST FUCKING STOP IT!" (at least, that's the way I've always imagined it, I could be wrong)
... that's a given. However, I really hope it's voluntary. After he's escaped the "family cult'. And he writes a Duggar Dearest book that exposes the Quiverfull movement for what it is. Seriously, being gay in this family has got to be a fate worse than death. When it happens (and it will), my heart goes out to him.
... humanity, for all its vaunted evolution, may occupy the top spot on the supremacy ladder at present but that is an illusion. It's temporary. (ref: the documentary series Life After People... consult The Google).
... it's all part and parcel of the Christian Persecution Complex... they don't actually have to be *fed* to the lions, they only have to *claim* to be. Even though that bit of Xtian lore has been proven to be false, it nevertheless continues to be cited as fact. Much like the constantly-rewritten Bible/Bibble/Babble/BuyBull... it's inerrant until it isn't, and then it will be re-interpreted until it is.
... Callyson. you speak for many of us. As you always do. But I sense your frustration and possible resignation, and I empathize. Words just... ah, shit... fail me.
I was thinking they might pray over it for the sake of the TV show $$$.
And these cock merchants say gay couples shouldn't adopt.
I know "the United Bates of America." Heard about it a few weeks ago, another Quiverfull family. And the upcoming episode where the Duggars meet & greet them. New fodder for the Duggar sons.
Thanks for the link, it gave me the opportunity to blast TLC again. Did you notice that they are still recommending the Duggars show? They heard about that too. Beyond disgusting.
It just comes to show: RealityTV isn't real . . . Or perhaps it's too real. What do you think?
"In Touch" is doing a story on a guy feeling up his sisters....really....come on your kidding the sick pathetic jokes just write themselves sometimes.....
Just found an article connecting the families to the same CHURCH. Cross Church who was the original employer of the rapist of Harris's re-gifted daughters.
... you know what happens when you "assume", don't you? Yeah, that's right... look it up. You really don't know/understand Wonkette at all, do you? Never mind, that last question is rhetorical.
... not really news to those who've been following Wonkette religiously (if you will), but thank you for the reminder. Discovering that a Church has been complicit in covering up pedophilia is something most people have known for decades. The fact they haven't become vocal about it is another story entirely...
... unfortunately, that movie would only be seen by the people who already know this. The (f)Right Wing will boycott it because they "can't handle the truth!"... think fingers-plugged-in-ears while shouting NYAH! NYAH! NYAH! Can't hear you!... on that score alone, they are consistent.
It's an exponential "fucked uppedness"... I can guarantee you the molested daughters will, in the absence of any psychological counseling, will turn a blind eye to whatever the patriarch of the family decides to do. Indoctrination since birth tends to lead to a very effective Stockholm Syndrome.
... and then, after He angrily wiped away His tears, He screamed... "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU PEOPLE DOING IN MY NAME? STOP IT! - JUST FUCKING STOP IT!" (at least, that's the way I've always imagined it, I could be wrong)
... that's a given. However, I really hope it's voluntary. After he's escaped the "family cult'. And he writes a Duggar Dearest book that exposes the Quiverfull movement for what it is. Seriously, being gay in this family has got to be a fate worse than death. When it happens (and it will), my heart goes out to him.
... humanity, for all its vaunted evolution, may occupy the top spot on the supremacy ladder at present but that is an illusion. It's temporary. (ref: the documentary series Life After People... consult The Google).
... it's all part and parcel of the Christian Persecution Complex... they don't actually have to be *fed* to the lions, they only have to *claim* to be. Even though that bit of Xtian lore has been proven to be false, it nevertheless continues to be cited as fact. Much like the constantly-rewritten Bible/Bibble/Babble/BuyBull... it's inerrant until it isn't, and then it will be re-interpreted until it is.
... Callyson. you speak for many of us. As you always do. But I sense your frustration and possible resignation, and I empathize. Words just... ah, shit... fail me.