So you only hate hot, flaming fags?

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You all know you used to make fun of and laugh at fags in the 1980's like everyone in the scene did. There was not then, nor is there now, room for faggots in punk rock. You were all so non-conformist. Now look at you. Media and society has managed to twist your mentals so far, you now conform 100% to whatever they say is the new social issue. Enough is enough. Individuality is one thing. Turning a whole scene into a rainbow movement where punk is now wearing lingerie as a man is F-ing ridiculous! In the 1980's we were fag bashing. Now we are holding hands and welcoming them and their incessant need to let everyone know their sexual preference? Forget it! If I see a rainbow in the pit, I'm sending you down hard! Go exploit the Rave/bi-sexual scene. You fit in better there.

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They fuck you up, your mum and dad, They may not mean to, but they do, They give you all the faults they had, And add some others, just for you.

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...very true, plus the zombies hygiene would be much better!

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lol, built it in photoshop over the weekend after loading out a concert Sat night and joking about needing OCD to get all the gear to fit into the truck

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I remember being allowed to stay up and watch first-run Monty Python as an Xmas treat.

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In the 80s I was looking at my marriage and asking myself, "what the fuck have I done with my life".

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From Chet's best of New Orleans link...

"When they stop Prop 8 and force priests at gunpoint to marry gays, it will be the downfall of civilization and Jesus will come back," she said."

Jesus coming back? Sweet fucking bounding baby dinosaurs...isn't that was you nimrods WANT??

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That's what I'm thinking...like when Brittney Spears shaved off her head.

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Aux armes, citoyens!

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why does the acceptance of jesus christ cause so many people to become insufferable asshats?

me personally, i don't think jesus christ would have approved.

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You know, I think I did hear of her 25 years ago.

Someone should probably tell her that not all attention is good attention.

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My first question would be: <em>where</em> did her mother have her committed? Religious un-deprogramming camp?

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What are you talking about? Grape Nuts RULE! Well, at least after you place a nice layer of sugar over them...

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Also, I bet nobody calls her Moo-chelle too, as well.


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the secret to a long life's knowing when it's time to go

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