I not know if this has been mentioned, but Yeager was featured in a CNBC show called America's Gun, Rise Of The AR-15. Original air date 4/25, apparently. He says that some couples show up for his AR course with a gun they admit they don't know how to use. The show even covers him spazzing out and threatening to shoot people. Amazing. Wen asked about it, he had no comment, when asked again about somebody coming for him, he ended the interview. Bugfuck crazy.

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Though that's only so they can reload them for you.

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Unfortunately, no. He/she keeps changing.

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I might be able to find a description, but it would be a real drag.

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They're after a certain "look" -- but I can't say I'm flattered.

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I bet it would do a number on boomboxes on the bus or subway. Should be a popular item! Likely to be dangerous as hell, so make sure you call it a "microwave gun" -- that way you get to carry it around pretty much everywhere.

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Shifty eyes, always on the lookout for evildoers (brownz). Possibly wearing something resembling an American flag or a NRA emblem. Shakes his head from side to side when anyone else starts talking about 'sensible gun control'.

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I do wonder what this fuckwit would say if one were to point a gun at his face, and explain that you're going to blow his brains out because you disagree with him. Not that he's capable of cognitive dissonance, but just to hear him explain why it ain't right unless he's the one doing it.

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Can I amend that to a kick in the balls instead? I don't wear gloves.

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Freedom from hurt feelings and disagreements, not to mention road rage, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right to keep and bear arms shall not be abridged.

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Skol Rebel (r) didn't need a gun.

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