Well, it's hard to get a message through with a shrieking opera of "MUSLING KENYAN USURPER!" and "Winning!" between you and the audience.

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You know, on DADT, Congress did for once grow a pair and went with it. But that was in the context of a lame duck where momentum suddenly shifted into "Get some shit done," and Obama was instrumental in getting that going. He also kept saying, "I want DADT repealed" and trotted out Gates and Mullen to hammer it home multiple times. If he hadn't have done that, I don't think some of the even-more-chickenshit-than-the-norm Senators would have gone along with it, BTW. He doesn't deserve all the credit, but he definitely deserve some.

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Obama could be the second coming of Abraham Lincoln, and we'd still be fucked.

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Where's my personal jet pack Hopey? Harrrrrrumph!

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I... don't quite know what you're going for with this post, Ken. Seriously. It reads half as a send-up of the hippie pinko whining I see every day in TPM comments (really, why do I continue to read the comments anywhere other than Wonkette? Don't even get me started on Matt Yglesias's comments. Yikes!) and half as another of your "I do not care for this Kenyan" screeds. I guess it can be both? I don't know, I haz confused.

Anyway, considering the shitstorm he's been dealt, I think he's done okay. I'm definitely as frustrated as the next commie, but I really do think he's trying his best. He doesn't have a magic wand to make Congress functional; that's where things have really gone to pot.

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oh yeah. and, it's just gotten worse.

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I'd like to think that Obama's done as much as he can with a government owned by corporations (and reported on by their trusty stenographers in the press), but I'm pretty pissed at him for letting the conversation change from unemployment to the deficit.

Maybe he doesn't think he can do any more about unemployment in the current political environment, but it sure does look like he's giving up without a fight.

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Typical Demoncrat compromise -- friend or enemy? No, both! You don't hear Repubicans talking like that. For them, it's billionaire or enemy, but never both.

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The DownFistTroll complaining about a downfist troll. Infinite loop. Room spinning. Sparks. Amygdala getting bigger. Must stop typ....

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I dozed off in 1995. What happened next? Nothing bad I hope. Because if some pretend cowboy with both Messiah and Oedipal complexes managed to take control of U.S. foreign and domestic policy, I don't want to hear about it.

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Future President Bachmann thanks you for your support.

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Forgive the downfister, he/she knows not what they do. Oh wait a minute! They <i>do</i> know what they do. That makes them ... (ominous musical flourish) ... Unforgiven.

But they do add pageviews. Each pageview is probably worth over a million dollars in advertising.

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Kucinich? Fuck that, I'm voting for Mike Gravel this time!

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You poor thang. A libural in Texas.

(Remind 'em Lyndon Johnson created Medicare -- because people are blessed with longer lives and cursed with health insurance companies that won't issue policies to teh olds.)

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"Remember how Barry was going to end the wars, rebuild America’s infrastructure, put renewable energy and mass transit all across the country, crack down on industrial polluters, raise taxes on the super-rich, etc., etc. All lies! "

Ken I'm not sure which Barry you were listening to, I never heard any of that.

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As my fine mother who loves and praises Jesus told me:

Let's hope son that Our President shits in John Boehner's mess kit. That fucker** needs some humility.

**My sweet South Texas mom didn't say fucker. She called Boehner "an asshole like my sister Liz." I agree with Mom in that John Bohner took asshole lessons from my Aunt Liz.**

Hey downfister - ready to party at my house? My 77 year old Mom can kick your ass. Downfist away douche bag.

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