Hey kids. Like, y'know all that partyin' drinkin' and screwin' I did? Like, well, don't do that.

I kan haz lotsa munies now, plz?

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this is off topic., but i for one will totally miss the news of the world.

now where am i going to get my sozzled british celeb news?

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Boxes of OTC cold medicine formulated with psedophedrine. She needs more chemicals for her meth lab.

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The <i>Fredericksburg Standard-Radio Post</i>? I hate to break it to the fine people of Fredericksburg, but "radio" is not a kind of newspaper.

Though I suppose it's possible the newspaper boys there toss radios into people's front lawns each morning.

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Wal-Mart. Come for the Little Debbie™ snack cakes. Stay for the personally autographed book "My Journey As A Teen Slut, So Far" by authoress Bristol Palin.

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and i keep wondering who's minding the kid(z).

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with glenn beck as mouthpiece i hope.

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bristol coverage makes me long for the kardashians.

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Fredericksburg sounds flammable. <a href="http://www.fbgtx.org/press/..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.fbgtx.org/press/Stage%204%20Water%20Re...">http://www.fbgtx.org/press/...

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She won't last 15 minutes. Between the Texas drought, our current heat and humidity, and the low turnout she'll experience, she'll have another get-the-fuck-out moment.

Snark off, Fredricksburg is west of Johnson City, home of Lyndon Baines Johnson. Contrary to what a lot of people think, many wise older folks in that area have always been Democratic. The locals always tell you that it's Texas first, politics be damned. Bristol won't understand the concepts of worrying about the collective good for the community - in her defense, neither does the Texas legislature.

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