“You could hold up a dead mouse with a sign ‘I love Bush’ and we’d still probably think twice about stomping that mouse underfoot.”

That's always the first question I ask about a candidate: "Would I stomp on a dead mouse if was carrying the candidate's campaign sign?" The Amish are weird.

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Wanna bet people don't get them in time for the election?

These shameless fuckers stopped just short of requiring "photo ID or a GOP membership card" -- which is exactly what they'd have done if they thought they could get away with it.

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Did you notice that you could hand that pile of papers to any random stranger, and that person would be able to get the picture "ID"?

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What makes you think "poor people voting for the Democrat" is an imaginary problem?

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I assume that douchebag <a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=EuOT1bRYdK8" target="_blank">Mike Turdzai</a> has proof that "voter fraud" is exclusively practiced by Democratic voters, because how else could he gloat that voter ID will hand the election to Mint Mormoney?

Or maybe, just maybe, he's simply stopped pretending that this has anything to do with voter fraud -- he's flat out admitting that it has everything to do with suppressing votes for Obama.

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Apparently I was quoting Jay Leno. I'm not too happy about it, either.

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how's he polling (also snark free)?

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"My Valid Pennsylvania Identification"

In other words, a Yuengling and a pierogi (or a cheesesteak for the Philly crowd).

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If God had wanted us to vote, he would have given us candidates.

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i bet that 9.2% is from the wrong parts.

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i would like to punch every one of those smug smiling votey people right in the teeth.

metaphorically of course.

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