Or that he remembers the truth for more than a minute.

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It would take them approximately forever if Russia launched a first strike of say 100 ICBMs in the next couple of years.

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Absolutely correct, in the giant scheme of things. UK, France or even Israel could fuck China up in a big way if they decided to.

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You don't. Considering Trump supporters' paltry numbers, complete lack of work-ethic and organization, terminal stubbornness, and nihilistic degeneracy, literally anything is a more worthwhile use of an ambitious leftist's time. The same goes for the Herculean effort that is dealing with the bullshit spectacle leftists, i.e. the shitheads who got themselves so worked up about Hillary and the DNC last year that they've come around to believing bullshit ideas that declare Trump's movement an important 'working-class' phenomenon etc.

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This is kind of where I have landed. I am more interested in the many, many people who weren't engaged at all, and how to get them engaged.

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They'll keep making more...don't worry!!

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"Mary Brigid." And don't you ever forget it.

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Actually, much better than that.

Trump is to Putin as 9/11 was to Osama bin Laden: Successful beyond his wildest dreams.

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Don't tease me bro!

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These are the only Marx and Lennon I support.https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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It can seem impossible. I like this from the article, and it seems to be agreeing with you:"Do protest, but be very wary of going home feeling like you’ve done your job. You haven’t."

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a president who can’t pay attention for more than five minutes at a time.

You give him far too much credit. 45 seconds MAX!

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Will Emily Post suffice? Sadly there is nothing listed for dick weasel.


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You are not alone, sir, in that.

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This is the kind of shit that leads to military coups.

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