Didn't someone once say something about "the Party of Stupid"?

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Attention Florida voters: "special" election doesn't mean what you seem to think it means.

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He is on thin ice, I want to know does he call fried potatoes Freedom Fries or French Fries? Because real Mericans call them Freedom fries.

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It's true. Before the 80's, Florida was a sleepy kind of place where you went on beach, fishing and diving vacays. In the seventies FL had a population of around 7 mil. Now it's like another 10 million teabaggers showed the fuck up. It used to be very bucolic, sparsely populated and I imagine the living there was pretty laid back.

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In my country, air ball shoots <i>you!</i>

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"I’m a quick study, but in this case I shot an air ball.”

No, Clawson, you did not "shoot an air ball." You took a big shit in the middle of the court, and then you sat in it - with a big grin on your face.

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"I’m a quick study,"

I'll say. I studied you for about about 30 seconds and came to the conclusion that you are an utter douchebag.

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<i>She probably never imagined she’d need to be prepared for diplomatic negotiations with Florida.</i>

Wait til she has to negotiate a treaty with the Christian Republic of Texas, especially with the shortage of trained translators.

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I was going to write this hilarious thing about Douchey McCringeworthy mistaking President Obama for the Prime Minister of Kenya or something thing when it dawned on me. Given the amount of blind frothy hate these doorgreeters have for the president, they'd probably misidentify their own kids when they pick them up from school before they mistake the face of the man that drives their hategasms.

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These puns are Delhishish.

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It is racist to point out I'm racist.

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lost in all the idiocy is the fact that this asshole was openly touting outsourcing jobs- he's bragging about sending U.S. capital to India to create jobs there (with the fig leaf that Indian capital could also flow here- like that's going to happen on any remotely equivalent scale). He's not just a clueless fuck, he's a typical GOP douche-bag also too. Wave goodbye to those jobs, teatards- you elected this clown

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That Indian lady was very articulate for a furriner. I'm surprised Mr Clawson didn't remark upon this fact.

But seriously, why did he have that smug, shit eating grin on his face the entire time? It's getting more and more prevalent with baggers. It's becoming such a thing I've been referring to it as Baggerface.

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Why do the Teabaggers hate America so much they want to send hard-earned American dollars to a furrin' country? Why won't they PUT AMERICA FIRST?? How can we BUY AMERICAN and TAKE BACK AMERICA if we send our capital overseas???

These are serious concerns of the rednecks in my neighborhood, at least according to the bumper stickers strategically placed next to their gun racks. If Congresscritter Smirkyface doesn't have answers, we must IMPEEEEEEECH.

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As in, "When I study, my brain fills to capacity quickly."

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