Everyone should read Stebbins’ story....

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Robbie Fulks - The Scrapple Song


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Who would've thought that Smithfield execs were a bunch of pigs?. Amirite? I'll be here all week, try the quinoa.

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let me translate that for you "we pay our undocumented labor so little that they have to live packed in like sardines even here in south dakota where rent is about as cheap as it could get"

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Oh...my...Dog. And they paid her to go out and say that?

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I stopped being a full-time vegetarian years ago because Reasons, but have never been able to bring myself to eat pork products since. Something about it just seems too inherently - well, gross. Its not a reasonable attitude, I realize; but there you have it. Not regretting that choice one iota at the moment.

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And people still tune in to watch them, so why wouldn't they..

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Same thing is happening in Nebraska. Hall County, 60,000 people has 531 cases. Douglas County, 571.000 people (most of Omaha area) has 291 cases. The Hall County cases are mostly coming from Packing plants in Grand Island, Ne, 50,000 people. Dawson County, 24,000 people, has 172 cases. Lexington, Ne, located in Dawson County has 10,000 people. Lancaster County, Lincoln, Ne, 320,000 people has only 87 cases. These Packing plants employ a lot of people and it's not like they are 10 feet away from each other in cubicles. It's a lot of people in line standing a foot or two away from each other. There are quite a few large Packing Plants in Nebraska. Look for Columbus, Schuyler and Fremont to be next. I'd also like to point out these plants knowingly hire illegal Immigrants, because they are easier to control.

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The Smithfield spokesperson is a real piece of shyte. Time to boycott.

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Kinda reminds me of my sister explaining to me how COVID 19 had all started in a Chinese slaughterhouse because they have such awful standards and bad hygiene and the country was such a backward mudhole, etc.

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I would never have predicted this. Immigrant bashing, well I never

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OK. That's it. From now on when I see Smithfield in the market I'll see boycott me.

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I've heard of Snapple, but what is this scrapple, and can you find it in a grocery store, like Publix???

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Ah, yes! The notoriously ethical vegetable makers: Monsanto, Dow, and DuPont. How foolish I have been! I shall turn from my wicked meat-eating ways at once.

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To Shake Shack's credit, they gave it back.

Nevertheless, everything is too damned sideways to reckon.

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Lol I would have guessed Indiana.

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