Like those fools who think owning a gun is going to allow them to hold off the police and the US Army. Take a look at the LAPD vs. the SLA (Patty Hurst's kidnappers). A number of commentators said is looked like Viet Nam - and not in a good way, either.
Herr Schikelgruber?
I was going with "Some things people just shouldn't monkey with."
See "Uprising, Warsaw Ghetto."
Like those fools who think owning a gun is going to allow them to hold off the police and the US Army. Take a look at the LAPD vs. the SLA (Patty Hurst's kidnappers). A number of commentators said is looked like Viet Nam - and not in a good way, either.
Hitler never said that!
"l'ancien merde"?
Those guys that saw Hitler in a teapot?
A bit of history of which the Teabaggers seem to be ignorant.
Oh, dammit.
Registration then Constipation. Wait. What?
That's a fact.
They lose him after the bunker scene....
Assume Darwin Dead.
So does this mean that being vegetarian <i>isn&#039;t</i> the same thing as fascism?
I wish you people would get your Hitler syllogisms sorted out and settled once and for all. I&#039;m getting whiplash.
Considering how much projection wingnuts do, they must have some <i>massive</i> lightbulbs in their asses.
Juror B37?