Jukes: Unisex, too!

You're probably going to make fun of me, but my Dad brought me back a Mao jacket from China. It's great for travel - looks kinda dressy and has so many pockets you could lose your hand.

Considering so many people fly in pj's and flip-flops, it isn't that hard to look more dressed up than most of the herd. The key - as with business casual - is to make those who really dressed up feel they over did it; and make those who just got up and went to the airport feel badly under dressed.

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So, would you stil consider those fashion designs to have been Revolutionary? Or does that sound too T-Bagger these days - white whigs and tri-cornered hats and all.

For those of us of a certain age, there will only be one Calvin Klein design - worn by a topless Brook Shields as she purr'd about her jeans...

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Mao? And not just at work, either. I'm talking all the fuckin' time!

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Mom probably wouldn't make it home for dinner. They'd just draft her ass too and call it a day.

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<i>“For the past six weeks, I’ve been trying to figure out if I am a legislator or not,” Bikas said.</i>

<a href="http:\/\/i1115.photobucket.com\/albums\/k551\/denniverse\/Antoine-Dodson-Dumb.gif" target="_blank">What do YOU think, Antoine?</a>

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So ya let the young folks dress however they want, and they seem to always pick blue pants and a black sweater over a t-shirt and flip flops unless it's like zero degrees outside and then they might struggle into some tennies.

Then someone has the bright idea of "business casual" on Fridays and people start showing up in their pjs and bunny slipper and wonder what's wrong with that?

They all pretty much dress the same way to stress their independence.

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Hell boy, if Dave Ritter can do it, you can!

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"Is JAG on yet?"

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Wait -- Commiegirl, you say there's a $40,000 a year job sitting out there? And me unemployed?

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Damn, and I had the perfect slogan for his opponent: "I have pants."

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Sister wives?

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Did he buy his Khaki's at The Gap?

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We had one 'worker' who would regularly come in between 30 and 60 minutes late. He had trouble understanding that he might get in on time if he left home a little earlier.

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This guy got in trouble for wearing tennis shoes? He's so dumb, I'm surprised he can tie his shoes.

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"Ohhh...poor baby. Come to <a href="http:\/\/www.momlogic.com\/2009\/02\/extreme_breastfeeding.php" target="_blank">mama</a>. Mama make it all better."

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There was 150 of us living in a small shoebox...ah, never mind.

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