De nada, bienvenidos!

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Big media is owned by big corporations, which are not notably liberal.

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there is something to be said for learning how to "modulate" one's voice. I have a loud voice naturally, and I had to work in college at bringing the level I speak at down. Her accent isn't even the problem usually, it's the tone. Even notice when you hear Chinese people involved in a conversation in Mandarin (this is also true for Arabic too), you always think someone is going to end up dead? Most of the time, they aren't having disagreements, just normal conversations.

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'When he was our finance chair he was honest. The rest of the time he was a liar. He was very professional in that regard.'

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Yet these are the people who want to take away our taco trucks! Hypocrites!

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Eyup. He might as well have brought in a cardboard cutout.

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Obviously you aren't very good at it!

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Ooh, SNAP.

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Thank you kindly. Taken in Second Life many, many years ago.

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And universal healthcare , you monster

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News: 'Here's the facts of the story.'GOP: 'LIBERAL MEDIA BIASSS!'News: 'We don't like to be called biassed, so lets skew our coverage to the right.'GOP: 'EVEN MORE BIASSSS!'News: 'Guess we'd better skew even more right, let's stop reporting facts.'GOP: 'OMG MORE BIASSSSS!'Und so weiter.

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I also read that she went on some TV show later to say she wasn't a prop? I couldn't bring myself to read the details.

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"How is the media less pumped up about midterms that elect a historic number of kickass women versus midterms that sent to DC a historic number of racist kooks?"

I would argue that the election of "racist kooks" does deserve attention. It's not about being "pumped up" but raising the alarm. Or am I crazy?

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Karl Rove and Roger Ailes came out of Watergate convinced that the real problem was they didn't have enough control of the media. Unfortunately they did a good job of "correcting" that.

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FCC regulations for *broadcast* networks enforced this. Going to cable gave an enormous loophole and dropping the fairness doctrine killed it.

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One of my favorite Toten Hosen songs.

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