Like a lot of red states, Ohio has a bit of land to work with.

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I will never click on that tweet.

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Ms. O wants to have a long talk with our granddaughter (19 in July) about emigrating to Canada.

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Kind of sounds like he's not too clear on the Fourth also, too.

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Uh, GrubHub was right there!

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Someone should give him a necktie party so he can choose one!

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Guessing the "J.R." stands for "Jackass Ratfucker."

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I've delved into enough Q friendly corners of the Internut to be familiar with the kind of semantic game Majewski is playing with his "not Q" reply. They will deny there is a Qanon community, because you see there is Q and there are anons who share Q posts, but there is no Qanon. That was a term invented by the kind of dumb libs who don't know the difference between a clip and a magazine.

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Republicans keep showing us who they are, and they keep getting elected, November will be quite telling!

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It was brown acid, not meth.

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Please be more specific. Or much more general.

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Let's just disinfect his shirts, that should do it.

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... i.e., the rich

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I love how on even his own campaign webpage, all his accomplishments are 'adjacent' (born of Veteran's Day! Wow! Grandson of war veterans! Woo! Nuclear Industry "Veteran" (scrubbed toilets at Springfield Nuclear Power Plant), Auto Industry "Veteran" (worked evenings at Western Auto while living with Mom, a certified, 2nd generation immigrant "Veteran"!), etc.

Even his description of being both a Team Leader and a Peer and Friend of his team (of Thousands!) has that worst boss ever internet "I quit after he fired me for being 8 nanoseconds late for my shift because I was stuck in traffic driving back from the funeral of my entire family and when I did sales dropped 70% because he was too stupid an asshole to train my replacement " meme vibe.

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We're still talking about Ohio. A lot of those people are throwing money away on a twenty foot boat they can't really afford, and then bitching about taxes when they don't have money for something else.

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