Nice Freudian Slip at the end; or maybe it was intentional to say, "dead maker," the world is fucking upside down now....

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War games makes it sound like playtime. I don't like this military industrial complex bullshit any more than the next wonketteer, but I do understand the idea of practicing shit to be prepared. Military exercises is practicing shit to be prepared. War games makes it sound like fun time.

"Do you

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Crap.Fucking discus or user error. I got cut off (or cut myself off)

"Do you want to play a game?" - the movie War Games.

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Not that his minions would ever admit it, but Trump has just definitively exposed himself as being "All hat, no cattle." The US handed Kim Jong Un the world on a silver platter, all in exchange for Kim jerking Trump off with talk of eliminating its nuclear weapons. Nothing good was bound to come out of the meeting of two megalomaniac, ego-driven nutballs.

Add to that all of Trump's bluster about "rebuilding" the nation's military, but now all of the sudden war games are "too expensive." I mean, who really needs large-scale, joint military exercises anyway.? Ask anyone who's ever served, and they're sure to tell you that such training is a complete waste of time and resources. All Trump wants is the tanks, planes, ships, etc., to point to and be able to say "Oh, our military is so mighty!"


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He gets played bigly all the time. He gave the ghostwriter of Art of the Deal, half the royalties and his name on the cover. From what I have read by writers and publishers, typical ghost writing fees are a fixed dollar amount in the order of a few thousand to a few 10's of thousands of dollars depending on the desired length of the book and popularity of the ghostwriter and the person.

He also didn't just run a casino into bankruptcy, he ran 2 casinos that were netting $100M per year into bankruptcy. He took on so much debt to build a 3rd one that it would require $300M per year just to service the interest. He does not do the cost/benefit analysis needed to ensure that you are actually making a good deal. He's truly an F'ing moron.

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You mean other than the bullet holes they found in the Whitehouse.

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Sean Hannity's Reacharound Singalong!

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Why should all the military hardware be collecting dust in South Korea when it can be featured in the Drumpf Ol' Fashioned Funtime Parade?

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If Drumpf wants to save money so much, he could stop going to golf every weekend.

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It was three casinos. He ran three casinos into the ground. And got cutoff by all US banks. Dealmaker of the Century.

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He was unable to sell steak and booze to Americans.

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"The thing that makes me heartsick is the unquestioning praise heaped upon an amoral fiend by the ill informed masses."

That's not even the worst part as far as I'm concerned. The worst part is the people who know the Republicans are monsters, and still won't vote to stop them. There will be fewer of them in November, I hope; but there were an unconscionable number of them in 2010, and in 2014, and 2016. Beyond a certain point, I'm forced to conclude that too many critics of Republicans are perfectly fine with Republicans hurting people.

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Yeah, but all those times didn't include a YouTube promotional video shown on an iPad.

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And then burns the house down to spite his mom.

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Prepared for what? Donnie talked Kim unto denuking the whole place. Problem solved. Moving on...

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Oh no, we're forming our own country. Fifth largest economy in the world, and President Ryan Gosling.

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