Thanks, and thanks for the new word 'gorget' !

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How many people do you need on a committee when you've already decided the answer is, "Ah, fuck it! Let the states figure it out."?

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140K and rising!

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I could be misremembering but i think a white supremacist might have been to blame?

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She's a crazy wingnut fundie.

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I thought that was duct tape.

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That's just this year.

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What the hell happened to her? Her career is in ashes and it's doubtful that anyone in public health will hire her after all this. I almost feel sorry for her. Almost.

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You are not being alarmist. You are projecting future behavior based on past actions. Those are your data with which to plan and to protect yourself and those you love.

A long time ago, I was CERT-trained. Like voting and donating blood and jury duty, I just figured being a grown up meant being part of a solution- or at least not compound the problem - even in a disaster. Part of that training is mass casualty first aid. Where do you begin triage in a mass casualty event? You begin where you stand.

It sounds like you’re there. You cannot by force of will evict goons from Portland. You cannot remedy that Texas man’s eviction whose story made me cry yesterday morning with the unfairness of it all. Maybe you pray to whatever power controls this universe, while simultaneously trying not to draw its attention, to keep your daughters out of the path of this virus because then you’ll have to choose between home and keeping your medically compromised husband safe, and leaving to nurse your child without knowing how you’ll return home. Oh wait, that’s me.

Begin where you stand. The things beyond your radius will make you crazy. I put shelf paper down on the laundry room shelves. That chore needed to be done for nine years and now it is. Now I’m setting up a website. Do I know how to set up a website? I do not. But while I’m thinking about the color of my “subscribe” button, I’m not thinking about my Trumpist in-laws and how they are going to vote for the Monstrosity again but they live in California so nerts to them.

Besides, if you make yourself crazy you will be unable to appreciate when the NYAG throws the book at the whole corrupt family and as much of the administration as she can. That day is coming.

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I'm seeing it too and not liking it too much. Is she really the villain here? If confirmed, zero sympathy here, but I can't help but view the misogyny of the Trump administration with an entirely jaundiced eye and throwing the woman under the bus is super convenient.

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Heh. My CA in laws (both retired public servants<socializmz11!> naturally, both voted for the orange sh&t and will likely do so again...despite having 1 daughter who is a doctor in a soon-to-be-overwhelmed hospital in a red state and another (my SO) who is immune-compromised.

They watch Fox all goddamned day on a 70” HDTV

Republicanism is a mental disease

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Statistically the most likely terrorist- white, Xtian, male

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Drumpf could have guaranteed his reelection if he had taken the pandemic seriously.

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How many Scaramuccis? 20? 25?

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i read this yesterday and that was my first thought.

although i'm not sure she doesn't bear some responsibility.

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