How come they are taking Rudy's shit and t-rump is allowed to run for POTUS, Wtfuck, over?

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Ta, Marcie. Roodles? I hear there's a bridge in need of a troll to live beneath it.

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At this point even the bridge trolls are lawyered up against hizass. With creatures like Bannon soon to be back on the streets prime bridge space is at a premium rn. He'll be fighting the rats for space in some outer borough NY subway tunnel.

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I kind of hope they keep the Mercedes and just drive back and forth in front of the Boca condo in it, dressed to the nines.

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I want them to wear those World Series rings in every TV appearance they do.

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What the heck is going on in the background with the security dudes and the clown with the sign?

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Anyone else think it's kind of cute that Rudy met his match in Ruby?

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Yes! Fucking yes! Take it all! TAKE IT ALL GODDAMNIT! (And it’s STILL not enough.)

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This fecal stew is almost complete with with the dash of Kanye, but it's still missing a dollop of Dersh!

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Ruby Freeman is quite the preacher. Why did Trump's lawyer persecute Christians???!!!!

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Maya Rudolph does a top-shelf vocal impersonation of Lauren Bacall, btw

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Half a mllion bucks a year? So... Minor punishment then. We should all be so lucky!

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Speaking of old cars being taken to pay off debts, I've heard that after Redd Foxx died, the IRS arrived at his home to see what stuff was worth taking to cover the back taxes he owed. There was an old beat-up pickup truck in the driveway that they looked at and said "That isn't even worth anything as scrap metal."

It was the 1951 Ford pickup truck from the "Sanford and Son" TV show.....

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That should've been placed in a museum.

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Teehee. However, Roodles is getting off just fine, as you pointed out. 43 K per month from SS and retirement??? You don't get that kind of payment unless you made huge bank, and you don't make huge bank doing anything good. Really. I know retired MDs other "white collar" folks who are getting about a TENTH of that after working for 40 years.

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Amen, sister.

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"...[T]hat 1980 Mercedes SL 500 that once belonged to Lauren Bacall that [Roodles] sat in and pretended to be Humphrey Bogart[.]"

Odd choice. Bogart was mildly lefty, and wouldn't have stopped to piss on Roodles if that fine young person were on fire.

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Bogart and Bacall protested HUAC when it was dangerous to do so.

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And lets be honest, an 80's SL isn't actually that cool of a car.

If it was a 60's SL that she had owned, that would be waaaaaaay cooler.

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True, but they still go for 20K or so if they are in nice condition and not too high mileage.

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Yep. If they need a hand I know a guy at BAT where it will go for at least 15% above market average.

I'd still rather have a 60's one, they look much nicer.

Don't have SL money though.

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Strange to pretend to be a man who died in 1957, in a car then not yet built. But logic hasn't been something the Rethugs bother with in many years, now!

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I dunno how much $ they will get for the Mercedes. Gotta find an 80 year old millionaire before the Grim Reaper does.

But I bet the baseball stuffs should get good prices at auction. Bigger audience I think. Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio.

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If the Yanks win the WS those rings should see s significant boost in value.

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If there’s any justice left in this world, Drunk Rudy will die penniless in prison.

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