Javey? You're up.

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Hello, Mrs. Peel!!

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So long as you drop it from a sufficient height, I'm on board.

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Subtitles? As in reading? That would be unfair to Trump.

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Listening to On Point on NPR last night and they presented it as the state of political discourse in America these days. It was horseshit. Their discussion kept coming down to trump's behavior but their premise remained that it was the "state of political discourse in America."

It annoys the ever living FUCK out of me when I am blamed for trump's behavior. Very stabby.

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No. Joe did as well as could be done at the last debate. Trump cannot be allowed to rampage unchecked for 90 minutes.

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They are dead.

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Trump would not be able to accuse them of favoritism, as you say, and also would be incapable of saying anything coherent in two minutes. Biden would have no trouble with that time limit.

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Bald eagle.

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Want to control the debate? Have two big, burly guys (the kind Trump is always saying come up to him with tears in their eyes) with tasers stand behind him throughout the entire debate. Every time he interrupts Biden, he gets zapped.

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I wonder if these people are as clueless in the choices they make in their personal lives as well. Like saying he only beats me when he’s drinking and if he would just stop drinking, and cheating on me get a job and pay his way he’d be a perfect husband.

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If only.

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YES the debate was a shitshow. YES it was an embarrassment in front of the entire world. YES we as a nation are smaller, stupider, and weaker because of it. But it was 100% one person’s fault. If you and I walk into a Walmart together (because this example has to happen in a Walmart), and I start screaming at you that you fucked my wife, and you reasonably respond that you’ve never met my wife, and that actually you’re pretty sure I’m not married, and anyway we’ve both been gay since we were 14, and why am I hitting you with that case of canned clams?!?...did we BOTH cause the scene?

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“...would be incapable of saying anything coherent in two 200 2,000 one MILLION minutes...”

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If we're gonna do that, let's go with the watertight soundproof booth with a water pipe connected to it so we can pump in five or ten gallons of water anytime Trump lies.

Hilz can turn the valve on and off.

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It is NOT in Biden's best interest. It would mean he has to stand quietly allow Trump to spew non-stop lies and insults. How does that help him? How does that help anybody? If that's what the CPD demands, I would tell them to kindly fuck off.

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