I need to go find that person's name so I never read anything they ever write.

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Sinema hell yes. She is a Green, and as venal and useless as the rest of them.

Manchin is as far left as he can be. Part of R relentless unity is the hope that forcing Manchin to take these votes makes him lose the seat.

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The House can choose to pass the other bill any time until this Congress is not in session, so net August? I think it is August. The Senate can not un-pass it.

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I have always been a fan of people who are proud Dems because arrogant commitments to independence sucks in a team sport.

She was an independent leftie from the fuckers Greens "Fuck The Party! Bern It Down!"

I never liked her but I sent her money after the primary.

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She is acting like a Green. Please.

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I love how she was a Radical Prog Who Bended To No One and An Amazing Progressive Victory in the primary but now her telling the DNC to eat shit is a "centrist" choice.

Greens are bad.

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The only names I can think of off the top of my head are Steny Hoyer and Jim Clyburn. I'm sure they're fine too, but they're not exactly spring chickens either.

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That's the press. Ever since we went on the 24-hour news cycle, the clock is always just running out.

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We still thank you for your service.

Both my senators are repubs, so even though I do contact their offices I'm sure it all goes into the office receptacle for progressive constituents' complaints, i.e. The Black Hole.

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Headline editor suggests: "GOP Tanks Economy for Debt After Their Limitless Spending Spree"

and is promptly fired.

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I don't like them for that. And stopped donating to them as a result for months. However. They DID point out that failing to groom some plausible successors creates tension.

I think that problem got addressed, at least with AOC.

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Sinema is as much a Green as Ronald Reagan was a Socialist or Democrat. Like Reagan dipped his toe in both parties before deciding that neither one was going to lead him to power so changed to the Reaper party, Sinema was a Green just long enough to figure out that she wasn't going to get any sort of power in that party and changed to Democrat. Unfortunately for everyone she stopped there rather than continuing Reagan's trajectory.

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Damn, maybe there would even be some progressive legislation reaching the floor, we can't have that! Thank the gods Pelosi is there to protect the war machine!

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Start whenever you like. They're here:


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Sure, the house would pass that, but it would have a snowballs chance in the senate. It was / is / will be all about tactics. I am glad for experience trying to get this done.

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