One addition: Rubiales's mother went to her church and is on a hunger strike refusing to come out until her darling innocent boy is acquitted of all the accusations.

No surprise there's at least one enabling parent in his life.

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If Woody Allen's all over this, where is Trump? After all, this is supposed to be *his* territory--forcing his gross self on women's bodies without consent and despite their resistance.

He could get a campaign ad out of it. "I kissed her first! It's like a magnet--I just start kissing them!"

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Jennifer Hermoso is a Shero!!!!!!!!!!!

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Weird the Allen would have weighed in at all.

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Uh... he's promoting his new movie? So on top of everything else this motherfucker is a scab?

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You surprised by that?

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Allen was always a creepy, awkward, sexual predator who was celebrated for that weirdness before his true nature was revealed by his own daughter. Why he’s speaking out on this topic is beyond puzzling. He’s defending unwanted male attention and physical contact. It’s not a mystery why.

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Jesus fucking Christ on a pogo stick, why would anyone ask Woody Allen his opinion on a case like this? That’s like asking OJ Simpson his views on a case of spousal abuse.

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For clicks, doi.

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Sorry, Mr. I Married My Stepdaughter, you have nothing relevant to say anymore ever.

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Let's not forget the 35 year age difference. She WAS 21 though, so able to make that decision. But still......your step-daughter? That's just one degree of separation from your biological child.

They are still together though........so who the hell knows....

But on the relevance question, you are correct........who the fuck gives a shit about anything Woody Allen has to say? I thought he was dead......

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I had a colleague who was kissed on the mouth during a show by a really famous actor. She slapped him right then and there in front of an entire audience (and hard). He kept singing…but I bet he never did that again.

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Ta, Stephen. Ban the asshole kissing bandit.

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You've clearly watched the entire catalogue of Allen's films. Did you hate all of them? Because I love your posts, but your hatred for Woody is weird to me. Some terribly flawed people have talents.

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Some people consider Woody talented, but I just don't find that New York Jew genre funny. I've seen a couple of his movies, and geez, get a life.

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I love the intelligence of this thread, but I'm missing the point. I was a teenage lover of an adult once (or maybe many times). Has anyone seen "Call Me by Your Name"? Do you hate it because it's a story about a minor falling in love with a grownup? Which sometimes happens.

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In "Call Me by Your Name" the age difference is 17 and 24. Not an appropriate relationship, but IMHO less squicky than one between a 17yo and an adult in his 40s.

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So? We don’t have to now retroactively hate any of the Allen movies we’ve enjoyed in the past. That also doesn’t mean we can’t view them in a different light and form different opinions about them. Or refrain from watching any future ones.

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Back when he was a reviewer, he made a comment that I liked about ballet and the women on point "Why don't they just hire taller women?". There were a couple moments in his movies I liked but there is nothing I would want to back to.

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Not sure which reviewer you mean, but that "get taller dancers" is an old one. I remember it from the 1970s, a cartoon with ballet dancers leaping and twirling on the stage, and the caption being someone in the audience making the same remark. IIRC it looked like one of the New Yorker ones.

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Thank you for that essential point.

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Yah. We do. "Manhattan". We should have blasted it when it came out. Mid 40's man boning 17 year old kid. Nothing redeeming. Sick dick got away with soft child porn.

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I had found stuff to like in Manhattan but never cared enough about it to see it again.

Mr Geezer will not watch it ever because of the weirdo relationship there

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I remember at the time I saw it that I thought it was icky for him to be with a teenager. I think that was the last movie of his that I sought to see. Any others were in passing on TV

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I wasn’t necessarily including that one on the “I enjoyed it in the past” probably because I wasn’t that much younger. And now that I’m thinking about it, ew, who let me watch it?!

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Sorry for coming off tart and surly. You didn't deserve that. You are right in positing that we are better today than we were then so we can go ahead and say today that it's a flawed movie even if we didn't have the vision to identify and call out those flaws in 1980.

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I understand where you were coming from. I watched Manhattan when I was very young and, frankly, it was probably detrimental to me at the time. Hence my "ew, who let me watch that?" comment. And there are probably a lot of books I read then that I could say the same about.

I think the salient point is that THIS particular artist who people say should still be appreciated for their art (which I'm not totally against without conditions) ...well, if they're still being creepy misogynistic assholes I don't think it's worth wasting our time trying to "appreciate" their current works as "art".

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every time he expresses his opinion in defense of his ephebophilia, I cringe just a little more like "dude, just stop!"

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I don't particularly follow Spanish, or even international, soccer, but I vaguely remember reading that Spain's soccer federation is, like most other countries' soccer federations, as useful as tits on a boar. There was some kind of friction between it and the women's team just before and during the Cup, although I don't remember what.

And now this. All the fool had to do was act like a human being for five minutes, and he could have basked in at least a little reflected glory. I guess when Asshole Mountain calls to you, you just gotta answer, if you're an asshole.

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Sep 6, 2023·edited Sep 6, 2023

I love that Hermoso's teammates have stood beside her. They're way more valuable than President Slobberman and I hope he gets the heave ho.

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"Everything else is fair game while George Gershwin music plays in the background."

Not so much funny as perfect. Thank you, Evan!

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Sep 6, 2023·edited Sep 6, 2023

Reminds me of how a former friend of mine used to complain to a male mutual friend that he didn't get why women he's never met made such a big deal out of him putting his arms around them, and asked for advice on how to show his affection in a physical way without it being considered inappropriate touching.

Can we just...not touch strangers without their consent?

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