But they can't do THAT. Cause then they might get approval from someone like Chuck Todd or Brian Williams. They could never live down the approval of people on MSNBC!

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But they have a slate of diverse candidates! I am sure one or two of them are brunettes! Maybe even a woman!

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53 here and I have yet to hand out my passwords to random bigots screaming on street corners, or even my spouse.

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That little manifesto is definitely the stupidest shit I've read all day.

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Why do they gotta do this dance every time? The stages of a gop politician trying to keep his candidacy, still walking tho decapitated, alive somehow. Its done. Move on.

But please don't fucking cry about it, its your own goddamn fault.

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From the Encyclopædia Britannica:

Semite, member of a people speaking any of a group of related languages presumably derived from a common language, Semitic (see Semitic languages). The term came to include Arabs, Akkadians, Canaanites, Hebrews, some Ethiopians, and Aramaean tribes. Mesopotamia, the western coast of the Mediterranean, the Arabian Peninsula, and the Horn of Africa have all been proposed as possible sites for the prehistoric origins of Semitic-speaking peoples, but no location has been definitively established.

There has been a problem with the usage of anti-Semitic for ages now, and it is partly because Jews (mostly Zionists) and some Christians have co-opted the concept to imply that some Muslims automatically must be anti-Semitic when technically that would make them against themselves - if they are born or descended from peoples listed above.Remember, Islam is a religion not exclusive to that region, just as other religions are not exclusive to particular regions. Religion≠region is a good way to look at this.In fact, the country with the largest number of Muslims is Indonesia where the vast majority are ethnic (southeast) Asians.

So, the idea that "The Squad" would be anti-Semitic when one of the their own, Rashida Tlaib, is of Palestinian heritage, is absurd.

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Didn't Ted Cruz use that one?

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Also, doesn't he look like Harvey Weinstein?

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Um, I don't think that he knew that, for the very simple reason that I am immensely smarter than he is, and I'm sure I've known more about politics most of my life than he did until recently, and I did not know about that SC split in CA.But then, I live in NY state, and I've only once been to CA.And I suspect most of the people in the US outside of CA and adjoining states don't know that either.

Having said that, I'm certain that many Amuricans don't know state capitals (hell, most of them couldn't place all the states on a map correctly). And thinking Los Angeles for CA, and New York (City) for NY are probably two of the biggest mistakes that are made.Also some people likely think Chicago for IL, Philadelphia for PA, Miami for FL, Dallas for TX, Burlington for VT, Baltimore for MD, all of which using the concept that the biggest city must be the capital.

So thinking for even a nanosecond that Trump would know about your legislative split in CA is something that is very unlikely.

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In truth, I'd be surprised if Trump knows what day of the week it is.That Supreme Court thing...worst-case modeling for west coast flooding is based on a repeat of the 1861-1862 Atmospheric River floods which flooded a 300 mile long, 20 mile wide section of the Central Valley, forcing incoming Gov. Leland Stanford to move his inauguration to San Francisco.

The Supreme Court simply never moved back to Sacramento.

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Actually, I will dispute that because there are many of us out here who REFUSE to use Fakebook and other anti-social media like Twattter and Snoopchat because we neither have the interest nor have the desire to have anything to do with vile pieces of shit like Mark Zuckerberg and his ilk, who would be very happy to have all of everybody's personal information at the tip of their slimy fingers.

Mind you, I would never run for office because I detest politics, but if i did, I would have a website, and e-mail, and that's it. Period.

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And I'm sure he has no idea that Stanford Univ. was named for a governor, and a very famous one at that, whom I do know about, even if I am not an expert on CA history.

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I believe that it will be used as toilet paper, as regular toilet paper will still be out of stock...

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Ugh. So creepy.

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Uh, and the type is white on a redneck background...

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