For many years, lots of people paid AOL to do their email. The USPS could’ve been AOL back then, collecting fees every month to provide you with email, but they were barred from doing so.

Then, after e-mail became free mainly through advertising support (gmail, yahoo mail and the like), USPS could’ve still provided you with email supported through advertising dollars… but I think they still are barred from doing so.

I think this is what Jen is getting at. USPS should be allowed to go into other complementary lines of business (operating simple banking services too would be nice, since they have thousands of branches in every part of the country) but congress doesn’t let them do it.

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I’ve had three back surgeries and never claimed disability. My low life bro in law has been claiming a bad back forever cause he hated to work. He’s is a lay about, out of shape, overwieght, uneducated. Has rarely ever held a job. He recently received a huge disability settlement along with generous monthly income for life. I have never seen him limp or any indication of a disability. He owes everyone he knows money from years of people bailing him out starting with his mother until he was close to 40. I’ve paid taxes since i was .16 yrs old. Fuck you SS. Your investigators suck. There are people that need a helping hand but this guy is a professional mooch. Tired of paying for the fuchs. Weed them out!

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Ah, yes, thanks a lot. I think I do vaguely remember that, more than 25 years ago. Yike. It's hard to figure how USPS keeps going these days given all the alternatives.

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Whoa! The future is here! https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Nice clarification of the distinction that is true for a broad range of disabilities/neuro differences.

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Doktor Zoom

It’s the same reasoning that led to republicans mandating drug testing for welfare. Put as many obstacles in place in order to deter as many people from apply in the first place.

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Insurance companies are the same way. They’re always trying to find some pretext for denying a claim. One of the reasons my insurance didn’t want to pay for my knee was that they claimed I was a smoker.

I’ve never touched tobacco in my entire life.


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Oh, we have tried, and continue to try. Thankfully the attorney knows his stuff, and she has a great and sympathetic doctor. Makes the process no less Kafkaesque, though.

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Sigh. Mr VW retired in March and he is driving me INSANE. He has no hobbies.

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My wife often.jokingly says that she is "hysterical" and/or has "wandering womb" disease.

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I wish someone would have asked her how much she gets paid to not do her job.

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“You could be a pilot!”“I have one eye.”“Oh. That’s too bad, but you should be good unless you close the good eye! Ah Hahahahahaha! I’ll put you down for pilot.”

My mom, who could be a bureaucratic pit bull, won this battle twice: one for my dad and once for herself. She said that the emphasis shifted under Reagan.

Before 1980, you were up against a glacial machine that didn’t function very well, but it wasn’t against you. After 1980, it became an adversarial relationship where every comma and period became arguing points.

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we are in the middle of the process of applying for our son for SSDi. This was not the article i should have clicked on

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we have a lawyer ready to work with us if(when) our son's SSDI is denied

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it took me a day to do our son's SSDI application once I had all the medical info. Mailed it all in to the local office. They even called me 3 weeks later to clarify some of the autism stuff. Now we are in the waiting period. We applied in September last year

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i am so glad I wasnt there. I would have been arrested for assault. I have a son who cannot work for multiple reasons and being around people is the worst thing you could do to him

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