... Or will you?

If you're single without kids, of working age and not suffering from a chronic disease, not all states will grant Medicaid eligibility on mere extreme poverty. Also too, poverty is measured on income not assets, so the fact that you have nothing may not officially make you poor for the purposes of Medicaid eligibility, if you're one of the lucky few who, after the ER provides the minimum amount of treatment necessary to push you out the door alive, recovers good enough health to be able to work.

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Insurance companies = Hindenburg.

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Au contraire! The current crop of Cons pioneered teabagging as the Reform Party of Canada starting in the early 90's. But even they, at their most Refoooorm, did not suggest getting rid of Medicare.

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Of course, what Mitt fails to mention, what the wingtards all fail to mention, is that while EMTALA requires the hospital to stop you from dying before they ask for all your munniez, it absolutely <strong>does not</strong> prevent them from taking all your munniez the moment that last suture is in place.

So great, you didn't die today, hopefully (sadly, many ERs play ambulance pingpong, since EMTALA requires them to either stabilize you <em>or</em> send you to another ER that can, so you might die being driven around at your estate's enormous expense trying to find a Doctor whose boss isn't a total fucking sociopath), but you <em>will</em> still be in bankruptcy court tomorrow.

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"Oh the Humana-ty"

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The people who support this system are precisely the people who won't ever have to use it. Charity hospitals are for "you people".

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Dental "insurance" is the biggest scam in the industry. Basically, anything costing more than the annual premium is not covered. Implants are "cosmetic" by definition -- even if they prevent the rest of your teeth from turning sideways and falling out of your head. Things have to reach a truly horrific state of affairs before bad dentition becomes a "medical" condition -- and they know you'll spend thousands out of your own pocket to avoid reaching the stage where they might have to start providing coverage. So they just sit there with a smirk, while they leave you on the hook for all the drilling, filling, bone grafts, and $1,000-a-microgram BMP treatments that the oral surgeons want to use. Nice world they live in: no negotiated prices, and every customer pays retail. If your kid wants to go into medicine, the best advice you can give is to suggest oral/maxillofacial surgery.

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It just doesn't work that way in Canada. Trust me. Their own constituency would be the first to get pissed off and toss them out of office if they threatened Medicare. It's been here for 50 years and for any party to suggest scaling it back would be political suicide.

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Am I the only one that gets a Chester the Molester vibe from that picture?

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(nerd wakes up, doesn't move)

Girl 2: Hi, penis! Oh, boo-boo-boo-boo! There you are!

(first girl takes a picture)

Girl 2: You're a tiny penis, yes you are! Who's a tiny penis? Who's a tiny penis? You are! Oh, you're so cute, aren't you!

Girl 1: Ha ha! How tiny!

Nerd: Dang it...

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Eventually the right will get a Christian Science candidate and healthcare will be eliminated since prayer is all that is required. And without any healthcare most people will be prayin' like mofos!

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The ladies can use their ball cancer screening vouchers for lattés at the abortionplex. Everybody wins!

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Mittens has never been been sick a day in his so called life. See how easy it is you lazy 47%.

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Legitimate cancer is not a problem. Because when a man has magic underwear, his body has ways to shut that thing down.

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For taint complaints, you go to Staples.

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