Really, there are some days when Yr Wonkette is just tempted to run a headline that says nothing more than "Florida WTF?" but we would then have an awfully hard telling one instance from another, particularly since Florida has more different flavors of WTF than Sarah Palin has varieties of sexy poutface.
Well, I&#039;ll tell you mine. (1) There is zero evidence that capital punishment has any deterrent effect. (2) There are, without doubt, people who <i>deserve</i> capital punishment, (and even cruel and unusual punishment, if we didn&#039;t prohibit that). (3) There are other people, convicted of capital crimes, who have subsequently been shown to be innocent, sometimes before they were executed, sometimes not.
(4) There is no plausible consistent mechanism to distinguish between the convicts who <i>truly deserve</i> death and those who might, due to some future advance in technology, be exonerated. Of course there are extreme examples of the former group, but the problem of distinguishing &quot;certain&quot; from &quot;almost certain&quot; is: how do you do that?
(5) Therefore, I support life without possibility of parole. This allows for the admittedly small possibility of being proven innocent, while keeping the offender out of society forever (pretty much like death). FWIW, I also support the option of voluntary execution for lifers. What&#039;s kind of funny is that in most states, that&#039;s considered euthanasia, and is therefore prohibited.
I love how, if a death row inmate commits suicide, it&#039;s a scandal and there&#039;s a big investigation. They get all upset when the State is deprived of its fun.
Marshall Lee Gore lent further credence to his sanity by saying he was thankful to AG Bondi and especially for her promise to deliver any leftover pigs-n-a-blanket, chicken strips, and cheese cubes from the campaign kick off.
Dagwood von Bumstead?
I hate Elecxecution Season.
&quot;You appear to be trying to execute someone. Would you like to enter your campaign schedule?&quot;
Well, I&#039;ll tell you mine. (1) There is zero evidence that capital punishment has any deterrent effect. (2) There are, without doubt, people who <i>deserve</i> capital punishment, (and even cruel and unusual punishment, if we didn&#039;t prohibit that). (3) There are other people, convicted of capital crimes, who have subsequently been shown to be innocent, sometimes before they were executed, sometimes not.
(4) There is no plausible consistent mechanism to distinguish between the convicts who <i>truly deserve</i> death and those who might, due to some future advance in technology, be exonerated. Of course there are extreme examples of the former group, but the problem of distinguishing &quot;certain&quot; from &quot;almost certain&quot; is: how do you do that?
(5) Therefore, I support life without possibility of parole. This allows for the admittedly small possibility of being proven innocent, while keeping the offender out of society forever (pretty much like death). FWIW, I also support the option of voluntary execution for lifers. What&#039;s kind of funny is that in most states, that&#039;s considered euthanasia, and is therefore prohibited.
Don&#039;t forget to &quot;Like&quot; your executioner on Facebook. (Oh, and don&#039;t wait, do it now.)
&quot;Is this a business execution or a personal execution?&quot;
After enough stays, you get a special rate. Sort of a &quot;frequent dyer&quot; program.
Aw, c&#039;mon. In Floriderp, that&#039;s just campaign talk.
I love how, if a death row inmate commits suicide, it&#039;s a scandal and there&#039;s a big investigation. They get all upset when the State is deprived of its fun.
Pam Bondi, double-oh nothing. But she&#039;s got a license to kill.
Too bad Rick Scott can&#039;t reschedule being an asshole until after he&#039;s out of office.
Marshall Lee Gore lent further credence to his sanity by saying he was thankful to AG Bondi and especially for her promise to deliver any leftover pigs-n-a-blanket, chicken strips, and cheese cubes from the campaign kick off.
If I start talking about my views on Capital Punishment, y&#039;all would pull my Liberal Card and tear it into tiny pieces...